
Six mistakes managers salon business

Six mistakes managers salon business

Video: 6 Secrets To Salon Suite Business Success 2024, July

Video: 6 Secrets To Salon Suite Business Success 2024, July

Salon business is very attractive for beginner entrepreneurs, since the services of masters of the beauty industry are always relevant and in demand. The materials in this article will help to avoid typical mistakes in managing such a business.


The beauty industry is a very specific business area that resembles an artistic environment. Elements of creativity in the work of specialists, competitive spirit, predominantly female staff, the obligatory presence of Prima and her main rival - all this makes the salon look like a theater, and the manager has to watch the “performances” issued by employees.

Gossip, intrigue, behind-the-scenes struggle of employees with each other and with the administration - this is the "natural form of life" of a huge number of salons and clinics.

Naturally, such a psychological atmosphere not only negatively affects the quality of the salon, but also felt by customers.

It would be logical to assume that the leader should regulate and correct this situation, but he does not do this, preferring to "reign, but not rule."

What is the reason?

In fear of losing good professionals and complete dependence on them. Indeed, the most experienced, successful and sought-after employees are not shy about directly blackmailing the director: “Either you give me what I want, or I will leave. Such a master as I will be accepted everywhere!”

Once succumbing to the blackmailer, the leader will no longer be able to win back their positions. And henceforth, any more or less significant employee will manipulate him.

Each owner or manager of the salon business made several important mistakes that led him to this situation. Here they are:

1. The head did not increase his expertise in the type of business that he runs.

This is possible if:

- the entrepreneur acquired a ready-made salon business, not being familiar with its specifics;

- the management is carried out by a hired director who does not have experience in this field;

- Salon is an investment project for an entrepreneur in which he has a share of profit, but does not deal with it seriously.

The lack of necessary information makes the leader weak and vulnerable to dishonest personnel.

2. The leader did not develop the skill of managing women's groups.

The women's team is a special environment where emotions prevail over logic and no one is fighting “with an open visor”. Managing it is significantly different from managing a male or mixed team.

3. The manager incorrectly prioritized the hiring phase.

Probably, every owner or manager of a salon at least once in his life was tempted to hire a “star” - an experienced employee with a well-known name and an extensive client base. These specialists come to the company “with their own charter” and soon force the manager to accept their conditions, starting with the size of the salary and ending with the behavior of the employee in the salon.

4. The manager did not develop and implement work procedures for his staff.

These regulations may include: “Staff Regulations”, “Corporate Code”, “Corporate Ethics Rules”, “Customer Service Standards”, etc.

If you do not have your own rules, you begin to live by the rules of others, this is an axiom.

5. The head did not develop and did not implement a system for monitoring compliance with regulations.

Often this situation occurs: the documents in the company are developed, however, no one reads them and does not fulfill the stated requirements.

Employees can afford everything:

- be late for work or go home before the end of the work shift,

- serve your friends and colleagues during working hours (often for free), - make customers wait for themselves (while they themselves eat, drink tea, smoke, etc.), - give customers personal business cards (to take them to home service), - refuse to work with those materials that the salon buys, - groundlessly demand an increase in the percentage of salary, - discuss personal problems in the presence of the client, quarrel, comment on the actions of management, etc.

6. The manager could not “sell” to the team the idea of ​​the need to comply with the regulations.

Any changes in the company always cause staff resistance, even when they are aimed at the benefit of employees. During the implementation of changes, the leader needs to show maximum leadership qualities and show the team all the benefits and prospects.

If you run a business in the beauty industry, check: have you made these mistakes? And if so, take immediate steps to correct them. High-quality management and standardization of business processes will allow you to bring the company to a new level and receive more profit. A favorable atmosphere in the team will be an additional and pleasant bonus!

Elena Trigub
