
Management Company Responsibilities

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Management Company Responsibilities

Video: Corporate Management - Corporate social responsibility 2024, July

Video: Corporate Management - Corporate social responsibility 2024, July

Residents of apartment buildings are not always aware of the responsibilities of house management companies. For this reason, companies may sometimes not fulfill their responsibilities to the fullest.



According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the obligations of the management company must be reflected in the apartment building management agreement. This contract must be drawn up in writing and signed by the managing organization and the owners of the apartments in the house. One of the copies must be kept by the management company, and the other by the owner of the premises, but this condition is not always observed. If the landlord does not have a copy, he has the right to send a written request to the house management company in order to receive the contract and applications.

As part 2 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation states, the managing organization must perform work and provide services for the maintenance, operation and repair of the common property of the house, the provision of communal services to the owners and other necessary activities within the time period specified in the contract. The terms of the contract are approved by all tenants during the general meeting, when they choose the management method and the managing organization.

The contract should indicate:

- the address of the apartment building and the composition of its common property;

- list of utilities;

- a list of works and services for the repair and maintenance of common property, the procedure for changing this list;

- the procedure for determining the amount of fees for repairs and maintenance of the premises and utilities, as well as the procedure for making payments;

- the procedure for monitoring the implementation by the management company of its obligations;

- the term of the contract (not less than one year and not more than five years).
