
How to choose a coffee machine when buying

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How to choose a coffee machine when buying

Video: How to buy the best coffee machine - Which? 2024, July

Video: How to buy the best coffee machine - Which? 2024, July

A coffee machine allows fans of this strong aromatic drink to enjoy it even outside the cafe. A good and properly configured machine can bring you a lot of profit if you install it in a place with a large flow of people.


The principles of choosing a coffee machine

Despite the obvious advantages of coffee machines, they can be found in Russia not so often. Many people simply do not know how to choose this device: what determines the quality of coffee and the operation of the machine?

First of all, pay attention to what coffee is made from in the machine. Raw materials can be natural (ground grains) or soluble. The properties and selection criteria of the coffee machine depend on this.

Natural Coffee Machine

If the machine makes coffee from natural beans, then the quality and taste of the drink is significantly improved. But the price of the machine itself is also growing.

Please note if the coffee machine has a coffee grinder. Depends on how difficult the process of refueling the machine. When buying a vending machine with a coffee grinder, find out what its wear resource is, since this is one of the most important points, it affects both the performance of the entire device and the taste of coffee. If you buy a used machine, then the knives in the coffee grinder are likely to be very worn out, and the taste of coffee will be worse.

Find out what method of brewing coffee. There are two types of brewing: espresso and a French press. Espresso, or high-pressure method, when water converted into steam is passed through ground coffee beans under high pressure. The taste of the drink is slightly thicker and more saturated than with the low pressure method. A French press (low pressure method) implies that hot water simply passes through coffee, which is brewed like in a regular cup. Ultimately, the drink is redirected to a glass, and the thicker - to a special container.

In such machines, two types of filters are used: permanent (metal or plastic) or replaceable (paper). The first option requires regular maintenance of the filter, as it needs to be cleaned from time to time. With the second option, you just need to constantly change the filters.
