Business Communication and Ethics

How to convince people to buy

How to convince people to buy

Video: 7 Ways to CONVINCE People To BUY Your Product - #7Ways 2024, July

Video: 7 Ways to CONVINCE People To BUY Your Product - #7Ways 2024, July

The ability to convince people is a business. Of course, there are people with an innate sense of ability to prove, to defend their point of view. For those whom nature has not endowed with such abilities, it is worth listening to the main points of the rules of communication of the seller with the buyer.


Instruction manual


Speak confidently. The buyer will immediately suspect something is amiss if your voice trembles during the conversation. Also exclude spoken words from the spoken language: “mm”, “well, ” “uh, ” as well as “probably, ” “maybe”


Replace them with affirmative words.


Make eye contact. This is a prerequisite, so it will be easier for you to catch the general wave, the mood of the buyer and his intentions. Moreover, it is a long-known fact that if a person looks directly into the eyes, does not look away, does not lower his gaze to the floor, this person is true.


Use gestures. Keep in mind that words supported by emotional facial expressions, gestures, are doubly strong.


Speak more. Try to fill in awkward pauses in the conversation with facts, give more reasons. If the opponent is ready to listen to you, then he is interested in your information.


Be open. Direct posture, a beautiful smile is half your success. Do not try to change the timbre of your voice, it will look ridiculous and untruthful. Shifting from one foot to another indicates your insecurity, you may get the impression that you are trying to come up with something on the go, pick up words. Think in advance of the most winning pose.


Know how to resist objections. If the buyer confidently proves the opposite side of your point of view, be prepared to fend off the facts. You must clearly represent the positive aspects of your product, respectively, all the disadvantages, your goal is to be able to smooth out.


Remember, you must not only learn to speak, but also master the ability to listen.

Useful advice

When talking with the buyer, remain confident and calm, continuing to give arguments and facts. Consider, as soon as you show your indignation, indignation - you have lost a potential buyer.
