
How to bet

How to bet

Video: Betting Strategy That Works | Make an Income Betting on Sports 2024, July

Video: Betting Strategy That Works | Make an Income Betting on Sports 2024, July

Before betting on the outcome of a sporting event at a sportsbook, it does not hurt to have an idea of ​​what information you need. Otherwise, the risk of betting on the wrong participant can increase many times.


You will need

Statistics, statistics analysis skills

Instruction manual


One type of bet on football is betting on the exact number of goals scored. You can bet on one match and one time. For the latter option, bookmakers offer the so-called lines ("totals"), followed by values, one of which you have to choose.


It is advisable to monitor the changes in the odds and place bets on the “total” just before the start of the game. Carefully study the previous games of the team. Even such subtleties as possible injuries to the goalkeeper and defenders, missing the previous match by one of the forwards can make a difference.


If the game is aggressive in all respects, and both teams are satisfied only with a victory, your bet on a large version in the “total” will be more justified. Since the team usually plays better at home, pay attention to the fact which game to play - away or home. Having lost in the previous game, the team will probably strengthen the defensive tactics.


A bet on an accurate account is a bet on the outcome of a match without penalty, and only in normal time. Sports analysts believe that, as a rule, the score is opened by the home team. To place bets on an accurate account, you need to check if the team names are located correctly. Since the interest on such a bet is very high, it will be a shame if you lose due to a banal inaccuracy. In other words, if you think that in the game between teams A and B, A wins, then the bet should be 3: 1, and not vice versa.


In the bet on the first goal, it is required to guess the team that opened the account. Sometimes it is possible to bet on the absence of goals or even on a specific player who rolls the ball into the opponent’s goal. Here you need to carefully study the statistics and betting rules. Different bookmakers may set different rules.


Often, experts advise not to bet on a trusted player, but on a defender who has penalty and dangerous corner kicks. The thing is that the coefficient when betting on an obviously leading player will be low, and a risky bet on a defender can be much more profitable if the outcome is favorable.


Betting on the last goal assumes that you will guess the last player who distinguished himself in the match. Some bookmakers in those cases when the player on whom the bet is placed did not enter the field, return the bet in full. Statistics say that the vast majority of goals are scored before the end of the match.


There are also bets on yellow and red cards. Before making bets, carefully study the statistics of violations of the teams participating in the game. Some bookmakers accept bets on the number of penalties and corner kicks, on the first red card and some other events that occur in the game.

Bookmakers. Football bets. How to bet and win
