
How to create your own company without capital

How to create your own company without capital

Video: How to start your own business without investors | Nicholas Hänny | TEDxHochschuleLuzern 2024, July

Video: How to start your own business without investors | Nicholas Hänny | TEDxHochschuleLuzern 2024, July

Starting a business is a dream of many people. However, not everyone is eager to do this because they think they don’t have enough money to start a new business. With the advent and development of e-commerce, starting a business has now become possible even without seed capital.


Instruction manual


Evaluate your skills, equipment and property that you can use to start a business. For example, if you have a computer, Internet access and writing skills, then starting an independent business without investments will not be difficult.


Determine what type of enterprise you want to create. Take into account your interests, current skills, how much time you can spend on your chosen activity, and conclude what types of business are available to you at the moment.


Explore your options for running your business. If you are interested in online business, you can begin to search for enterprises interested in the services of non-staff employees. If you have your own equipment suitable for the job and the necessary skills, write to the selected company and its representatives will consider your application without fail.


View ads on thematic online resources. Many companies daily publish announcements about the required partners, business assistants or simply offer to get a free introduction to their business features. This is a great way to establish business contacts and gain the necessary knowledge to start a business.


Offer your services to Internet users from around the world as a freelancer. If you have extensive knowledge of copywriting, programming, marketing and other fields, then put your suggestions on thematic resources and start attracting customers by creating your own home business from scratch.


Write a business plan to organize the selected activity correctly and set goals for the future. You can find business plan templates on the Internet and download them for free. Use them also as a guide to help determine the right direction in opening and developing your business.
