Business management

How to draw up a plan of financial and economic activity

How to draw up a plan of financial and economic activity

Video: The Circular-Flow Model 2024, July

Video: The Circular-Flow Model 2024, July

Budgetary and autonomous institutions should draw up a plan of financial and economic activity. In this regard, a lot of questions arise. What is the form of this plan? Where to get this form? How to fill it? You can find answers to all these questions if you carefully study the laws that govern the activities of non-profit organizations.


Instruction manual


First of all, read the Law "On Non-Profit Organizations" (No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996) and the Order of the Ministry of Finance "On the Requirements for the Plan of Financial and Economic Activities of a State (Municipal) Institution" (No. 81n of July 28, 2010). It is in these regulations that it is indicated who and how should draw up a plan of financial and economic activity.


Please note that local authorities have the right to instruct enterprises on what type of form the Plan should be drawn up. At the same time, institutions can detail their proposed scheme.


In the Plan, describe the enterprise and the industry to which it belongs. Describe the goals of your institution (as stated in the Charter), the main type of activity, as well as all the goods (services, works) that your institution produces (provides). Indicate the organizational structure of the enterprise.


Next, describe the financial condition of the company. Please note that data on assets (both financial and non-financial) are indicated at the last reporting date that precedes the preparation of the Plan.


Include the expenses you plan in your plan. At the same time, allocate expenses for each type of activity. Indicate the sources of repayment of these expenses. Please note that depending on the planned expenses, indicators for payments and receipts will be formed.


Please note that the planned amounts of payments will be formed taking into account the regulatory costs for both the maintenance of municipal enterprises and the provision of services by these enterprises. As a rule, these norms are established by local authorities.


Do not forget to approve your financial and business plan. For this, the Plan must be signed not only by the head of the institution, but also by other responsible persons: the chief accountant, the head of the financial and economic service and the executor. Further, the plan is approved by the founder of the municipal enterprise or the head of the autonomous institution.


Treat your plan very responsibly, because government subsidies depend on it, which means the financial well-being of your institution.
