Business management

How to maintain a store

How to maintain a store

Video: Managing Inventory in a Small Store 2024, July

Video: Managing Inventory in a Small Store 2024, July

The content of the store is an important process, which largely determines the level of effectiveness of its work. Pay attention to some important points that must be considered for the proper content of the store.


You will need

  • - planning of obligatory expenses;

  • - planning of repairs, replacement of equipment;

  • - optimization of trade processes.

Instruction manual


The content of the store is a responsible process that can contribute to both the prosperity of the business and its forced closure. In general, the content of the store is quite expensive, and the first time after opening, even with skillful leadership and competent policies and work strategies, the first real "net" profit can not be obtained very soon. The breakeven point is reached at best (for a small store) in 3-4 months.


First of all, consider expense items that will have to be paid on a monthly basis. These include: utility bills (including, if necessary, telephone and Internet), security service, remuneration for the janitor and cleaning woman, ongoing repairs (plumbing, electrics, etc.), advertising costs. Considering these issues, immediately determine for yourself what is included in the terms of reference of a given object (for example, which territory around the store needs to be maintained, and if the premises, for example, are leased, should the landlord not be engaged in this).


Also decide what types of repairs should be considered urgent, and how often should urgent repairs be performed; how often cleaning should be performed and to what extent; what actions on the content of the store should be performed on weekends, and other similar issues.


Separate the contents of the store’s equipment as a separate question: how often it will be checked, modernized, replaced with new ones. And pay special attention to the content of the goods (quality of unloading, storage, preparation for sale, layout and more).


The content of the store also includes the organization of the customer service process. Create optimal conditions in the store to familiarize visitors with the assortment of goods, give them the opportunity to make independent choices, and monitor the sellers conscientious performance of their duties. Consider a set of additional services designed to attract customers: from free packages at the box office to various promotions, discounts and sales.


Please note that in the end, well-organized content of the store provides high economic efficiency of its work.


In modern times, one of the types of trade organization is sales through online stores, which do not require so much money for maintenance.

Useful advice

Consider the possibility of saving on those expenditure items for which this is possible, for example, electricity.
