
How to make specifications. Create technical specifications in accordance with GOST 2.114-95

How to make specifications. Create technical specifications in accordance with GOST 2.114-95

The cost of developing Technical Specifications varies from 10, 000 to 50, 000 rubles - the amount is actually just huge! What prevents you from developing the technical specifications independently, especially since there is a GOST in which everything is thoroughly laid out (rules for the construction, presentation, design, coordination and approval of technical conditions)? We will divide all the work into parts and analyze in detail each stage.


You will need

  • 1. Technical description of the products on which the technical conditions will be written.

  • 2. OKPO organization that develops technical specifications.

  • 3. OKP products.

  • 4. Product specifications.

  • 5. A general view drawing.

  • 6. Passport and operation manual (if available, these documents will greatly simplify your work).

  • 7. Regulatory documentation for products - if you are aware of what your products must comply with, you must definitely find the necessary regulatory documentation.

  • 8. To write the Technical Conditions, you will also need the following regulatory documents: GOST 2.114-95, GOST 2.102-68, GOST 2.104-2006, GOST 2.105-95, GOST 2.201-80, GOST 2.301-68, GOST 2.501-88, GOST 2.503 -90, GOST 15.001-88.

Instruction manual


Designation for TU. The designation of the Technical Conditions in the Russian Federation is as follows: TU 1234-567-890ABVGD-2013, where: "1234" - the first 4 digits in the All-Russian product classifier (OKP); "567" - serial number of technical specifications; "890ABVGD" is the code of the TU developer organization for the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).


Title page. It is drawn up on a separate sheet of A4 indicating:

1. Full and short name of the organization developing the technical specifications

2. Name of the person who approved the TU data indicating the position (often - director or chief engineer). Approval Date

3. OKP products

4. The name of the product indicating the model and modifications

5. The inscription "Technical conditions"

6. Designation TU

7. List of organizations that agreed on a document indicating the name and position of specific employees and the dates of approval

8. Place of development

9. Year of development


Introduction Contains: the detailed name of the product indicating the abbreviated (conditional) name adopted for use in this document; purpose of products; scope in cases where the scope should be limited; Operating conditions. If you are developing technical specifications for subsequent certification (as it happens - the certification body requires technical specifications), be sure to write in this section "Technical specifications can be used for certification purposes."

At the end of the introductory part, you must specify an example of product records when ordering.


Technical requirements. In general, the section should contain information about the quality of the product and its consumer properties. However, most often they are divided into several subsections:

1. Main parameters and characteristics - basic information about the product (usually contained in the passport and operating manual; if not, this is the information that is placed in the commercial offer).

2. Requirements for raw materials, materials, purchased products. How is incoming control organized in your organization? Having answered this question, you will get a list of requirements for this section.

3. Completeness. Your products are delivered to the consumer as a whole or there are several elements in the kit. Describe in detail all structural elements that are supplied separately. List all the items in the Spare Parts kit, tools, and fixtures. Indicate all the documents that go to the product: passport, instruction manual, form, assembly instructions, packing list, etc.

4. Marking.

5. Packing.


Safety requirements. Technical requirements are described that take into account all possible types of hazards identified at the previous stages of product development. These requirements should ensure the safety of products throughout the life of the product. Requirements should contain: fire safety requirements; requirements for protective equipment and safety measures; electrical safety requirements; explosion proof requirements; radiation safety requirements; safety requirements from exposure to chemical and pollutants; safety requirements for servicing machinery and equipment.


Environmental requirements. Indicate in this section: requirements for various types of influences (chemical, mechanical, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal and biological); requirements for the stability of polluting, toxic substances in the environment; requirements for disposal and disposal sites for hazardous products and waste.


Acceptance rules. Describe the procedure for product control at the stages of internal control or when presenting products to the customer. Give all available test programs: acceptance tests, standard, periodic, reliability. Describe what should be done with products that have not passed the test. Set the frequency of the various types of tests.


Control methods. The test methods specified in the acceptance rules are described. In general, each method consists of a certain number of sequential operations: sampling, equipment, place of testing, preparation for testing, testing, processing of results.


Transportation and storage. Contains requirements for ensuring the safety of products during transportation. Possible transportation methods are indicated: by air, road, river, sea or rail. The range, speed, mechanical effects and loads, storage conditions (storage location, storage conditions, storage conditions, special rules and storage periods) are limited.


Instructions for use. If your products have any special instructions for installation, installation and use, then describe these requirements in this section. It will also be important to indicate recycling information.


Manufacturer's warranty. The rights and obligations of the manufacturer with respect to the warranty to the consumer of the product are described.



- List of documents;

- The list of equipment, description, characteristics;

- Any other information highlighted in a separate application (if necessary).


After writing the Technical Conditions and when using the name TU on the products, legally, you are obliged to produce products in accordance with the requirements and characteristics that you specified in the technical conditions, as well as bear all the specified warranty obligations.

Useful advice

1. Look for ready-made specifications on the Internet - perhaps the “good people” have already prepared such documentation for their products and posted it on the Internet for viewing. In this case, it is easiest to take their Technical Conditions and, on the basis of existing experience, refine them to meet your requirements.

2. You should not order the development of technical specifications in organizations involved in certification, where the creation of technical conditions is just making money. For a significantly larger amount, you will receive a template document of 15-20 pages.

3. Technical conditions for food products, cosmetics will have to be registered in the regional center for regulatory and technical documentation.

  • Text GOST 2.114-95
  • Who needs Specifications?
  • Specifications Wikipedia
