
How to clear equipment

How to clear equipment

Video: How to Remove Personal Protective Equipment (CDC Guide 1) 2024, July

Video: How to Remove Personal Protective Equipment (CDC Guide 1) 2024, July

The purchase of imported equipment can bring a majority of manufacturing and trading enterprises to a qualitatively new level. However, when deciding on the feasibility of acquiring it, one should always take into account considerable expenses and many formalities associated with customs. The process will go smoothly only with full compliance with the law and attention to all details.


You will need

  • - a package of documents;

  • - money.

Instruction manual


Contact customs. This is best done before the transaction, because you must know in advance the amount of the duty, which will significantly affect the value of your product. Consult with a broker what mandatory documents you will need to provide for the import of equipment.


Sign a contract with a foreign counterparty, reflecting in it all the terms of the transaction. Keep copies of all documents regarding the purchase of equipment.


Ask the supplier for a set of technical documentation (certificates, instructions for use, technical specifications, trademark information). Based on this information, make a brief description of your equipment that will help in calculating customs duties.


Before crossing the border, provide the customs broker with a package of the following documents:

1. The contract;

2. Transaction passport;

3. Invoice;

4. Specification;

5. Technical description of equipment;

6. Agreement with the transport company;

7. Bank payment orders;

8. Export declaration from the counterparty;

9. Certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity.

Based on these documents, the customs broker will calculate duties and other payments.


Make all necessary payments, attach payment orders to the package of documents. Now your broker can fill out a customs declaration (cargo customs declaration) and submit it to the customs authority. The inspector will decide on the release of your equipment. If errors are found in the documents, the goods can be placed in a temporary storage warehouse for inspection.


Be attentive to the declared cost of the equipment. If it does not correspond to the price level that customs is guided by, your payments are subject to adjustment. In this case, you will have to pay the price difference before the release of the goods, which in some cases can be very significant.

Useful advice

If spare parts or accessories that are not integral parts of the equipment are attached to the equipment, prepare a separate set of documents for customs clearance.
