
How to check the counterparty for the USRIP

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How to check the counterparty for the USRIP

The verification of the counterparty by the USRIP is necessary if there is any doubt about its status or the reliability of the information it provides. For verification, you should use the special service available on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, or request a regular statement from the tax office.


The tax authorities recommend that when concluding any civil law contracts, check the data of counterparties using special tools. Such checks are necessary in order to avoid fraud, the provision of false data from unscrupulous organizations, individual entrepreneurs. As a result of the audit, any interested person will receive an extract in which basic information about the counterparty will be recorded, which will greatly simplify the forthcoming cooperation with him. Two main methods can be used for verification: a special service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and a written request to the tax inspectorate for the provision of necessary information.

Using the service for checking counterparties

The easiest way to check a counterparty under the Unified State Registration Register is to use an electronic service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. To implement this method, you need to go to this resource, click on the link "Business risks: check yourself and the counterparty", located in the "Electronic Services" menu. As a result, a window will open with a special form for filling and searching. In the upper part of this form, select "Individual Entrepreneur / Peasant Farm", then enter the specific data of the entrepreneur for the search.

The user is invited to search by OGRNIP / TIN (any of these parameters to choose from) or by name and region of the counterparty. The simplest and most accurate is the first named method, since it eliminates namesakes. Enter the OGRIP or TIN of the counterparty in a special line, then fill out the verification code and click "Find." In the search results it will be possible to download a brief extract regarding this entrepreneur.
