Business Communication and Ethics

How to sell information

How to sell information

Video: How To Sell Information Products Online 2024, July

Video: How To Sell Information Products Online 2024, July

Information sellers are often said to sell soap bubbles. Information can not be touched in order to immediately assess the benefits of investments. Buyer risks are multiplied. Therefore, the sale of information is a special art, only developing. After all, previous centuries were more material, in terms of goals of monetary expenditures. Now sellers and buyers of information are learning from each other.


Instruction manual


Make the information “visible” in form. Invent material packaging and post it on the website as an illustration. To do this, you can write information to discs and photograph them. If you sell information in the form of trainings, post photos. People should see something tangible, it’s easier to make a purchase decision. Moreover, this material should be a lot. Break the information into semantic parts and write each of them to a separate disk. And take a picture of all this.


Show the results of use. Scan checks with earned amounts. Post online customer reviews. Invite celebrities to talk about the results. The buyer must see that he is dealing with something serious.


Give an irresistible guarantee. If you are confident in the quality of the materials, offer the first day of the training for free, with the option not to stay the next day and not pay. Come up with something similar for other forms of reporting.


Prove the need for information. Answer the question why a potential client cannot do without your help.


Make yourself available. Indicate account details, organization name, all contact phones and other communication methods. Place certificates, certificates, photographs with awards and thanks on the website. Show personal photos and video calls to customers. The more tangible you become, the more confidence there will be on the part of people.


Try not to imitate other information sellers. Often they make sloppy sites that are not credible. If your company is not famous, splurge on a good designer and copywriter. A well-groomed site resembles a well-groomed person who is nicer to deal with.

Useful advice

Test the selling method through strangers. If you are selling information through the site, find in your city a person who, in principle, is interested in your topic. Put him at the computer and watch how he reacts to the selling text. Ask what he understood. If his story is far from the meaning of your main idea, most likely something needs to be finalized.

Selling Information Example
