
How to sell a product without an online store

How to sell a product without an online store

Opening your own online store is a troublesome and costly task. If selling something is not your main activity, you can use ready-made trading floors on the Internet.


Instruction manual


If you are selling a single copy of an item, use the online auction. The largest company providing such services in Eastern Europe is the Polish Allegro. In the Russian Federation, it operates under the name "Hammer", and in Ukraine - "Aukro". The auction site Au.Tut.By operates in Belarus, and in some Russian cities there are small local online auctions, for example, in Krasnoyarsk - 24AU. In Western Europe and the USA, the auction site Ebay is popular.


If you decide to use the online auction to sell goods, select the one that is valid in your area. Be sure to select only one site, because putting up one product at two auctions is against the rules of such resources. Register on it in the usual way: specify the username, password, email address, city, enter captcha, etc. When you receive a message to activate your account, click on the link contained in it.


Take some high-quality product photos from various angles. Then create a new lot at the auction, enter its name, detailed description, add the pictures you took. Indicate the territory where you can buy the lot, delivery method, initial price and price for an early purchase, the duration of the auction and other necessary data. Having carefully checked everything, put up a lot for sale.


Another way to sell goods without an online store is to use message boards. Please note that you can use them only if the lot is not currently put up for any online auction. Choose only free boards - with or without registration. For those that require registration, register as described above.


Bulletin boards, unlike auctions, do not bind the user to a particular site. You can place the same ad on several sites at once, and this will not contradict the rules. The optimal number is 20. Regardless of whether you use the auction or bulletin boards, do not indicate contact coordinates directly in the heading or text - such an announcement will be deleted. Use the fields specially designed for this. And always choose the category for the lot or announcement.
