Business management

How to sell an elephant, or 51 receiving a deal

How to sell an elephant, or 51 receiving a deal

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Video: NFT Digital Collectibles - The Hashmasks Explained 2024, July

With success, you can learn how to sell an elephant and even a pig in a poke. The main thing is that this does not spoil your reputation. The author of the book "How to Sell an Elephant, or 51 Methods of Making a Deal" Asya Barysheva, based on many studies, reveals the secrets of mastery.


Instruction manual


Since the market has become a part of life, the world has been divided into sellers and buyers. Man alternately appears in one or the other role. The book of Asi Barysheva, a business sales coach, is not only about how to sell, but also, which is clear from the title, how to conclude any transactions. After all, we also have to establish contacts, agreements, and seek mutually beneficial cooperation.

Of course, sellers are born, but the author, along with a large army of business psychologists, claims that this art can be learned. Professional performance is much appreciated and you need to strive for it. This will help a large arsenal of techniques regarding adequate self-confidence, self-control, the ability to establish contact, interact with a client at a non-verbal level, present a product / service, conduct a conversation, work with objections.


Establish customer contact 1. Watch your customers. Manners, facial expressions, gestures, views will tell a lot, help to use the method of "extension" to a person.

2. Listen more. Use active listening techniques.

3. Make eye contact.

4. Use the techniques of non-verbal communication.


Make the right presentation of the product / service 5. Change the "sell" setting to "assist in selection." She is more credible.

6. Actively use persuasion techniques in your presentation.

7. Turn the properties of the goods into benefits.

8. Use persuasive words. The author provides a list of persuasive words R. Morgan.

9. Keep your mood on top.

10. Express positive, vibrant emotions, but do not go into exaltation.

11. Use numbers.

12. Use professional terminology, but at a level accessible to the interlocutor.

13. Use visibility.

14. Put the customer in action.

15. Use metaphors when the client is ready to listen to you.

16. Use pictures of the future.

17. Use well-known names if you know the names of those whom your client is targeting.

18. Actively use the techniques of comparison.

19. Ask a “monologue question” to increase customer focus.

20. Learn to give sincere compliments that match the values ​​of the client.

21. Use the method of "Socratic questions", "3" yes, "positive questions.


Work with customer doubts 22. Refuse erroneous behaviors - such as argument, excuse.

23. Turn your excitement into enthusiasm, because if a client doubts, then his interest increases.

24. Learn to identify what motives are hidden under the doubts of customers.

25. With the help of clarifying questions, find out what are the concerns of customers.

26. Remember that the most convincing answer for the buyer will be his own answer.

27. Use the "agree and refute" technique for those cases when you can not unequivocally agree with the doubts of customers.

28. Learn to get customer consent for each of your arguments. Otherwise, it makes no sense to move on to new arguments.

29. Summarize the conversation with the client, consisting of his doubts and your positive arguments with which he agreed.

30. Goodwill is an investment in the future. Do not be discouraged if the customer has not made a purchase. It is important to maintain a friendly and respectful attitude towards him. When the client "ripens" this will help him get back to you.


Learn to be competent in completing a transaction31. When summing up, use the technique of "7 pluses, 2 minuses."

32. Be sure to highlight all the pros and cons, emphasize that there are more pros, use the client's arguments and clarity when listing the pros and cons.

33. Proceed to the stage of completion of the transaction if the client "revealed" to you. Evidence will be an open posture.

34. Use formal phrases to avoid formalities and avoid “scaring” words.

35. Prepare yourself 5-7 alternative questions to complete the transaction.


Learn to find a way out of conflicts 36. Learn to be patient and understanding with conflicting, annoyed customers.

37. Refuse communication tactics leading to increased conflict: retaliatory aggression, avoiding the situation, deceit and excuse.

38. Let the annoyed customer speak out and listen to him.

39. Specify criticism, ask alternative questions.

40. Use the “draw criticism” technique to give the client the opportunity to make all claims.

41. Express understanding and openly express your feelings in a conversation with a client.

42. In response to fair criticism, the only correct reaction is to accept a possible truth.

43. Give a socially acceptable exit to your own annoyance after communicating with difficult clients.

44. Consider that difficult customers give you the opportunity to improve their professionalism.

45. Learn to "get into the skin" of the client and look with his eyes at the situation.

46. ​​Learn to analyze your behavior, how it provokes or neutralizes conflicts.

47. Be flexible in dealing with different psychological types of clients.


Work on your confidence48. Love for your profession will add to your confidence.

49. A positive and respectful attitude towards yourself and other people is also the basis of confidence.

50. Cultivate a sense of confidence through special exercises.

51. Observing the laws, following the methods of concluding deals, also rely on your own feelings and feelings in dealing with the client.
