Business Communication and Ethics

How to present a company

How to present a company

Video: Business Presentation Tips - The Top 8 Business Presentation Skills 2024, July

Video: Business Presentation Tips - The Top 8 Business Presentation Skills 2024, July

Once you have aroused the interest of potential investors, you will have approximately 25 minutes or less to explain your business plan and present your company. Every minute is crucial, take the presentation very seriously.


You will need

  • - Business plan;

  • - a computer;

  • - finished presentation.

Instruction manual


Analyze your intended audience. Find out who will attend the presentation. Try to make the presentation interesting to every investor. Determine what other types of business they are interested in and get ready taking into account what can hit them.


Get ready for the presentation in order. Make a plan of moments that will be key in your story. Organize the presentation of the material in the same order as your business plan, correct any possible gaps and inconsistencies in your scheme.


Prepare a speech for speech. Print it on quality paper in a large, easy-to-read font. If you do not want to write the full speech, briefly indicate the main points with a bullet list. You can use the PowerPoint application to prepare a computerized presentation. You can also demonstrate a corporate video, but it should not last more than 5 minutes.


Review your presentation. Cut out long and unnecessary sentences and phrases. Make sure each item is in its place. Practice reading the text out loud in front of the mirror. Then do a test run showing your entire presentation to a group of friends. Ask them to rate your work. Rehearse the audiovisual part of the performance.


Practice talking about the company in an even tone throughout your speech. First, you should give a brief overview of the business, and then again return to the specifics of the business plan.


Use visual aids during the story. The most effective presentations are accompanied by 10 to 15 slides, and your comments should be accompanied by handouts that clearly demonstrate the main advantages of the company.

How to make a presentation
