
How to fill out form P21001

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How to fill out form P21001

Video: Как оформить заявление о регистрации или закрытии ИП. 2024, July

Video: Как оформить заявление о регистрации или закрытии ИП. 2024, July

In accordance with the law of 08.08.2001, No. 129-ФЗ, before starting a business, an adult and capable citizen must register with the tax authority. It is not necessary to look for a specialist to fill out the forms and pay him money. Registration application can be filled out by yourself.


Where to begin

Application for registration in the form Р21001 is filled either on a computer or manually in capital letters without errors and corrections. If inaccuracies are found in the completed form, the entrepreneur may be refused registration. When re-applying, you will have to pay the state fee again.

Each application sheet is printed separately. Duplex printing is not allowed.

The form can be submitted to the registration authority in person. In this case, all sheets are printed, stapled and affixed a sticker on the number of sheets "Laced and numbered." In this case, it is not necessary to certify the application with a notary. Signatures on sheets are put in the presence of the inspector accepting documents for registration.

If the form is sent by mail, then the notary will flash the documents. And the sheets should be signed in his presence.
