
How to start a restaurant business

How to start a restaurant business

Video: What I Learned From Owning My Own Restaurant After 1 Year 2024, July

Video: What I Learned From Owning My Own Restaurant After 1 Year 2024, July

The restaurant business will be successful if you choose the right format for the institution (cafe, bistro, restaurant). Also, its success depends on an unmistakable choice of the most demanded specialization (national cuisine, seafood, steaks). Another important aspect is the choice of the region. Today, Italian restaurants are in greatest demand, followed by Caucasian restaurants. Japanese and Chinese cuisines, although they continue to be popular, but this is a downward trend.


You will need

concept of the future restaurant, business plan, marketing plan, premises, equipment, products, staff.

Instruction manual


Choose a room that will correspond to the format of the institution. The main selection criteria are the presence of client flows and a suitable layout inside. There should also be the possibility of dividing the area into three main parts: production, office and hall. Many beginning restaurateurs at this stage make one irreparable mistake. In an effort to accommodate the maximum number of seats in the hall, they "rob" production areas, combine hot and cold workshops, and reduce the number of utility rooms. As a result, the controlling authorities do not issue permits to open establishments; they have to redo everything.


Invite the designer, draw up a technical plan on which the main wiring of engineering communications that are tied to technological equipment will be indicated. Certainly provide for a good exhaust hood - without it it is extremely difficult to work in a hot shop, and in the hall in the summer it is not very cozy.


Get technological and commercial equipment. The first group includes refrigeration, thermal, mechanical. To the second - coffee and beer. Also, without fail, purchase an automation system. Which program to choose depends on your capabilities, as well as on the planned capacity of the restaurant. As a rule, specialists installing ACS will help with training in working with it.


Get permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection. If there is a catering facility operating before you, as a rule, there are no special problems with supervisory authorities. But when changing the profile they are very possible. In this case, you should carefully listen to the requirements, correct the shortcomings and re-submit an application to consider your issue.


Make a staffing table. If your restaurant business is a small cafe, some positions can be combined. For example, a bartender can be an administrator, and a chef can be a manager. However, everything is very individual and depends not only on the specifics of the institution, but also on the personalities of certain workers. To avoid the risk of hiring unscrupulous personnel, take the selection of personnel with all responsibility. Write job descriptions, ask employees to sign them. Draw up employment contracts that clearly state the rights and obligations of staff.


Design a menu. It can be small: three or four positions in each section is quite enough. A large menu is difficult to execute, in addition, it requires large inventories, and this will inevitably lead to serious write-offs. Submit documents for an alcohol license. 40 percent of the revenue from the restaurant business is made by the kitchen and 60 percent by the bar, so an alcohol license will be very helpful.


With insufficient investments, there is a risk that you will not have enough for something very important, for example, for promotion.

Useful advice

For the restaurant business to be successful, you need to start by writing a concept, that is, the business plan of the future restaurant.

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