Business management

How to start a hotel business

How to start a hotel business

Video: How to start a new Hotel Business? - Entrepreneur careers, Freshersworld 2024, July

Video: How to start a new Hotel Business? - Entrepreneur careers, Freshersworld 2024, July

To start the hotel business, make an economic forecast of the feasibility of conducting it in your chosen area. If the forecast is favorable, proceed to the next steps: preparing the premises, obtaining permits, and selecting staff.


You will need

  • - a room for a hotel;

  • - business plan;

  • - permits.

Instruction manual


Estimates of specialists indicate that the Russian hotel business is a promising area of ​​business development in the country. In order to determine how profitable the hotel business in a particular city will be, a preliminary marketing study is carried out to find an answer to the question of how much demand the hotel you plan will be in two to three years.


This time period is taken into account because approximately such time is spent on all kinds of approvals, obtaining permits, paperwork and directly the construction and commissioning of a hotel (or the conversion of an existing building to the needs of the hotel).


If the city where you plan to engage in hotel business has large enterprises that accept business trips, or the city is of interest to tourists in historical or cultural terms, or it is attractive for recreation, as it is located near the sea, mountains, lake, river, then the forecast for the planned business is quite favorable.


For further actions, select the category of hotel, the volume of places, the development of the infrastructure of the hotel industry, as well as the possibility of attracting third-party capital, forecasting bright events in the life of the country, which can be timed to coincide with the opening, networking among city authorities. Decide on the rates for the services offered by the hotel.


The next stage is the preparation of the premises, interior decoration and receipt of all required permits: the fire department, power engineers, city water supply, sanitation, etc. And all this time, at the same time, engage in the selection of personnel who will be the "face" of the hotel.


And do not forget about advertising: outdoor, television, internet. Immediately plan the further development of the hotel: consider the possibility of connecting additional services, for example, the opening of restaurants, cafes, Internet centers, facilities for the provision of household services (hairdresser, dry cleaning, etc.).


When compiling the price list of services provided by your hotel, try to adhere to an acceptable price / quality ratio.

Useful advice

Most of the income is usually generated by regular customers.

hotel business where to start
