Business management

How to develop your company

How to develop your company

Video: 5 Tips to Help You Grow Your Business | Business Q&A in Singapore 2018 2024, July

Video: 5 Tips to Help You Grow Your Business | Business Q&A in Singapore 2018 2024, July

If you are tired of working for an outsider and decide to open your own company, then you have taken the very first step towards prosperity and success. Now is the time to actively develop your company. And this step should be confident and competent.


Instruction manual


Choose a team yourself. Conduct various tests, interviews and questionnaires before hiring a person. Better take people without bad habits. After you have picked up the whole team, conduct educational trainings or courses.


Until the company develops, personally monitor the work of each employee. More often present at their work. Set the order in which each employee must submit weekly progress reports. If you see that one of the employees is not working, reprimand him and warn that the next one will be entered in the work book.


If you have a sales department, monitor its work regularly. Each manager should spend most of his time finding clients. Install the recording device on the phones, compare the number of calls actually made with the number of calls in the reports. Selectively listen to telephone conversations. Sales managers must work actively with each client, as well as avoid mistakes in the conversation.


Place advertisements or mentions of your company on all free resources. Create groups on social networks, place ads on free whiteboards on the network, post ads printed on a printer on posts (this work can be done by your subordinates). Even if you do not see the benefits of such actions, follow them. Your task is to increase brand awareness.


Get commercial offers from advertising companies. Choose the most profitable of them and conclude contracts. Do not immediately invest large amounts, first check what will be the profitability.


If you are engaged in goods or services of mass demand, recruit a small staff of promoters for part-time work. Do not contact specialized companies, because there you will pay a lot more money. Print small coupons that offer a discount on your item. Put promoters on crowded streets to give out these coupons. This type of advertising requires little investment, but the influx of customers because of it increases very quickly.


Come up with a motivation system for your customers. For example, additional delivery services, a permanent discount or price reduction when purchasing a certain amount of purchased goods. Make them your regular partners.


Count each step before you complete it. At first, you cannot afford to make the wrong decisions.

Useful advice

Be aware of everything that happens in your organization, then you can competently manage it.
