
How to ruin your business

How to ruin your business

Video: How to destroy your business and ruin your future 2024, July

Video: How to destroy your business and ruin your future 2024, July

Starting your own business is the dream of many. Of course, organizing his own enterprise, a person is committed to success and expects that over time it will become successful and profitable. However, there are many examples when, after some time, an enterprise became bankrupt, and an entrepreneur again began to work "for his uncle." We analyzed the main mistakes made by them. And now, if you want to ruin your business too, then we can give you some valuable advice.


Instruction manual


Start your business alone, not trusting partners - because friends with whom you could create a company together know you well, with them you could generate ideas, join forces in order to make a successful start. Take all the difficulties of organizing an enterprise.


Choose an area of ​​activity where you have no competitors at all, avoid them by occupying a marginal niche. The lack of competition will lead you to the lack of the need to generate successful ideas and develop the business. Your caution and unwillingness to participate in a highly competitive business will allow you to stay on the sidelines.


Take care of the case, the details of which you do not understand and do not be interested in its specifics. Entrust it with 2-3 key specialists who will work for you for hire, and completely make the success of your business dependent on them. In this case, under force majeure circumstances, when these 2-3 people refuse to work with you, your business will immediately fall apart or it will be dealt a significant blow.


Hire relatives of friends and those whom acquaintances will ask to accept. Do not contact recruitment agencies. If you are not an expert in the business that your company deals with, then you will not be able to assess the qualifications and professionalism of your employees. And do not demand strict reporting from them - you still cannot verify it.


And if you, nevertheless, have chosen the business with which you are thoroughly familiar, then become the main work year in your company. Put everything on your shoulders, get into your current affairs to the ears, engage in and control every little thing. Try to do everything yourself, because who will do it better than you?


And one more thing: be optional, do not constantly fulfill your contractual obligations, postpone the dates, postpone meetings. All this will allow you to achieve the task in the shortest possible time and successfully ruin your business.
