
How to get a rental certificate

How to get a rental certificate

Video: Certificate of Rental Occupancy (CRO) 2024, July

Video: Certificate of Rental Occupancy (CRO) 2024, July

A rental certificate is a document that has an individual number and confirms the fact of registration of a film in the State Register of Film and Video Films.


You will need

Paper, computer, photocopy, money

Instruction manual


Fill out your rental certificate application.


Write a short film annotation.


Fill in the application form of the applicant, where for the legal entity write: -full name of the organization; -legal and actual address; -Contact phone numbers; -E-mail address; -Bank details; -FULL NAME. Head.For an individual - F.I.O. the applicant; -Contact phone numbers; -E-mail address.


Make copies of documents: - a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur; - a copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax authority; - a copy of documents confirming the applicant’s right to film and video production - copyright agreements and license agreements. If the documents are in English, then attach the translation of documents into Russian.


Prepare, in duplicate, a musical certificate with information about the musical works used in the film, in which indicate the composer, the name and duration of the sound in the film. And assembly sheets, if there are dialogs in the film.


Fill in the receipt of the payment document (notice) of an individual for the payment of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation in the amount of 2000 rubles. Details of the income account for the payment of state duties can be found at


Pay the state fee and get the relevant certificate.


Hand over a photocopy to state custody and receive a certificate. For fiction, animation, popular science films - from the State Film Fund of Russia; for documentaries - from the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents.


Submit the prepared set of documents and a film copy to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to obtain a rental certificate.


A film copy must comply with sound and image quality standards.

Website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. List of documents required to obtain a rental certificate
