Business Communication and Ethics

How to get help to small businesses in 2017

How to get help to small businesses in 2017

Video: 10 Tips for Starting your Own Business ( Must Watch ) 2024, July

Video: 10 Tips for Starting your Own Business ( Must Watch ) 2024, July

In almost every constituent entity of the Federation, a newly created small business or entrepreneur can receive a free subsidy for the development of their business. Its maximum size and requirements for applicants in each region are different. All necessary information and assistance in preparing a package of documents can be obtained at the local agency for the development of entrepreneurship.


You will need

  • - passport;

  • - business plan;

  • - constituent documents of the individual entrepreneur or enterprise;

  • - other documents confirming your compliance with the requirements for applicants for a subsidy.

Instruction manual


The information obtained in the enterprise development agency will help you understand whether you meet the requirements for subsidy applicants, which is not enough to fully satisfy them and whether the deficiencies are eliminated in this case. This information may be your guide to action.


For example, in some regions a prerequisite is a condition in the past registered with the employment center as unemployed. If there is such a restriction in certain situations, it may make sense to formally close an existing company or individual entrepreneur, register as unemployed and start a business anew, while still receiving a starting subsidy from an employment center. It may require a document on training in entrepreneurship, owning funds for partial financing of the project, etc. In general, act in accordance with the situation.


If there are no obstacles to receiving a subsidy, the main document on the basis of which they will decide whether to give you money will be a business plan. When evaluating it, they will pay attention to the social significance of your project for the region, but your knowledge of the chosen field and the ability to analyze and really evaluate your capabilities will not pass by. Be sure to show the draft version to the consultant of the Agency for the Development of Entrepreneurship, carefully listen to his comments, eliminate them and show him a new option. And so on until the end.


Then, in due time (it will also be prompted by the agency), submit documents to the agency itself or the local department of economic development (depending on the region). It is possible that you will have to defend your project before the commission. In this case, prepare a short but capacious presentation, visual materials, demonstrate product samples, if possible.


After transferring money to your account, be prepared to report for every penny from the subsidy. The measure of the targeted use of funds will be your own business plan. If you can be accused of using the funds for other purposes, the subsidy will have to be returned, so do not give a reason for this.
