Business management

How to get a license for a pawnshop

How to get a license for a pawnshop

Video: How to Start a PawnShop Business | $4543 Per Month 2024, July

Video: How to Start a PawnShop Business | $4543 Per Month 2024, July

Pawnshops give citizens short-term loans secured by jewelry, jewelry, video equipment, silverware. This is a very profitable type of business, although you need to have a license to open a pawnshop.


You will need

  • - charter (for a legal entity);

  • - registration certificate;

  • - lease contract;

  • - The conclusion of the State Inspection of Assay Supervision, SES and fire service;

  • - certificate of tax;

  • - medical books of employees;

  • - information on the availability of specially equipped facilities;

  • - print.

Instruction manual


A pawnshop can be opened both by a legal entity and by an individual entrepreneur of the company (entrepreneur without formation of a legal entity). But to open a pawnshop, you need a license, and to get it - a huge amount of documents and a serious amount of money.


The body that issues the license is the Department of Licensing in the field of consumer market and services of the Licensing Chamber. The procedure for obtaining licenses is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1995 No. 984. In addition to documents on registration of an enterprise, you will need to submit permits from many state bodies to the Licensing Chamber: SES, State Fire Service, Security Service, and also the territorial assay inspection assays.


The last conclusion is necessary to confirm the possibility of receiving products from precious metals and stones. A substantial fee is payable to the state for issuing a license, as well as for considering the application itself. For example, for consideration of documents you need to pay three minimum salaries (they are paid when applying for a license), and for issuing a license - ten minimum salaries.


The costs of obtaining a license in accounting are recognized depending on the period for which it was issued. If it is more than a year, the license is taken into account on account 04 “Intangible assets”; if the license term is less than or equal to a year, on account 32 "Deferred expenses".


In any case, the costs of acquiring a license are included in the cost of pawnshop services for the entire time that the license is valid, and are written off in partial shares in proportion to the cost of the license. Typically, a license is issued for three years, and the term for considering a license application is one month.
