
How to open your own business in Russia in 2017

How to open your own business in Russia in 2017

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The authorities are paying increasing attention to the development of entrepreneurship in Russia. Becoming a business owner is not as difficult as it may seem. It is enough to be able to set goals correctly and implement the plan.


You will need

  • - idea;

  • - start-up capital;

  • - business plan.

Instruction manual


Whatever country you live in, the main thing you need to start your business is an idea. The more original and more in demand it will be, the more successful your business can become. But even in the absence of fresh ideas, you can become the owner of a prosperous enterprise, you just need to choose your niche correctly. When determining the direction of work, be sure to consider your preferences, knowledge, work experience, financial capabilities. It is important that in the region where the company operates, the level of demand for a future product or service is high enough, and there are few competitors.


In order not to crash by investing money in organizing your business, you need to think through all aspects of work to the smallest detail. This is best done not in the head, but on paper. For this, business plans are usually drawn up. In your project of the future business, analyze the costs and revenues, market opportunities, directions for further business development.


A competent business plan will help to obtain the missing funds for opening your own business in a bank or with an investor. In addition, in Russia there are various programs to support the development of small business, thanks to which you can get interest-free loans and subsidies, as well as other non-material assistance.


Having on hand the necessary funds and a detailed business plan, you can begin to directly create your own business. First of all, you need to register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur or become the founder of a legal entity. And then, depending on the type of activity, select a room, make repairs, purchase equipment, hire employees, place advertisements.


If you have questions in the process of organizing a business, then do not be afraid to turn to specialists for help. Free consultations can be obtained both in specialized centers for supporting small business, as well as on information Internet portals and business forums.
