
How to open a barbecue

How to open a barbecue

Video: How To Light a Grill the Right Way 2024, July

Video: How To Light a Grill the Right Way 2024, July

Fragrant, juicy kebab stimulates appetite with one of its smell. This traditional dish does not need advertising, and its preparation is often equated with real art. Shish kebab is not just food, but an occasion to gather in a big company. That is why the opening of even a small barbecue with proper organization will bring stable dividends.


You will need

  • - a store;

  • - equipment;

  • - money;

  • - permissions.

Instruction manual


Get permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service to sell kebabs and other food products. To receive this document, you must provide evidence of the presence of a refrigerator, product certificates, personnel sanitary books. In addition, the SES will present certain requirements for the outlet itself, coal, skewers. To open a full barbecue, a bathroom is also required.


Find a place for your barbecue. A significant percentage of success depends on this. Roadside points on major highways are traditionally popular. Good income can bring a temporary summer cafe. In addition, you can open a stationary barbecue in the countryside recreation area, which will be popular at any time of the year. If there are already similar points with barbecue nearby, this should not be an obstacle to starting a business, since you can always find your own competitive advantages.


Buy the necessary equipment for frying kebabs and related equipment. Depending on the type of barbecue you have, decide whether you will have disposable dishes or whether it is advisable to stop at reusable dishes. In the latter case, a dishwasher is required.


Find a meat supplier. You can purchase products at specialized points of sale (markets, shops). However, significant savings in price can be achieved by concluding a contract with a farm or private supplier. Of course, meat purchased in this way must undergo sanitary control. Find the most interesting way to marinate meat and grill kebabs. Today, there are many recipes, and choosing the best of them will make the most delicious meat. The excellent quality of barbecue will allow you to gradually build up a regular clientele.


Carefully think through the assortment. Start directly with the barbecue menu. Allocate the main percentage for a traditional barbecue pork and neck kebab. Gradually introduce into the assortment less common varieties: veal, lamb, ribs, tongue, kebab, chicken, fish skewers. It is possible that customers will like some of these varieties, and it will become a signature for your barbecue.


Enter related products. First of all, it is beer and other drinks. For a stationary cafe, it is advisable to offer a good selection of beers, focusing on live beers. In addition, other food that traditionally accompanies a spontaneous feast will be in demand in the barbecue: dry snacks and fish, juices, sweets for children, side dishes.

Useful advice

Consider the correct serving of barbecue. Pita bread, pickled onions, delicious sauces, flavored bread, lots of greens - all this should go as free barbecue supplements. Be sure that such costs are sure to pay off.

how to open your barbecue
