Business management

How to open a reception point

How to open a reception point

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Payment points began to bring their owners a big income, when it became possible to pay for Internet, cable TV, utilities and even fines imposed by the traffic police, in addition to cellular communications. At the same time, the organization of a payment acceptance point, as before, is not at all as expensive as one might imagine at first glance, even an aspiring entrepreneur can open it.


You will need

  • 1. Registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity
  • 2. Agreement with the payment system
  • 3. Rent a small room
  • 4. Office equipment and mobile communications
  • 5. Two cashiers-operators of the reception point
  • 6. One or more automatic payment terminals

Instruction manual


Choose the format of the payment acceptance point - there are two main ways of organizing it, although they can very well be combined at one point. The first is an automatic payment terminal located on the street or in any place visited by people - a store, a shopping or business center, a cinema. The second way is to accept payments using a cashier sending funds through a computer or mobile phone connected to a WAP site.


Conclude an agreement with a payment system that is a dealer of a variety of service providers, the payment of which you will accept. There are several such systems, the standard conditions for cooperation with each of them are different, as well as the technical means used by each of them in the work. Before choosing, carefully study the offers of each system, proceeding in search of the most profitable option of those opportunities that you have.


Rent a small room in a busy place if you still decide to equip a payment reception center with an operator sending information using a computer or phone. Purchase office equipment and software that meets the requirements of your chosen payment system. Hiring for this job is worth two removable tellers.


Buy a payment terminal that will be located autonomously, or inside your point where the operator works. In the second case, the terminal will significantly speed up the service process, in addition, nothing prevents, having its own stationary reception point, to arrange several terminals in different places. When choosing a device, pay attention to its resistance to temperature and various external influences ("anti-vandal" equipment), the number of available functions.

Useful advice

If you see that the terminal brings a small profit, try moving it to another place, which may turn out to be more successful - without losing anything.

Remember that choosing a terminal with a large number of services that can be provided with its help, you choose a terminal that will often “hang up” and need maintenance more than a simple one.

Payment Terminal Business Article
