
How to open a wallpaper store

How to open a wallpaper store

Video: Home & Family - How to Makeover your Dresser using Wallpaper 2024, July

Video: Home & Family - How to Makeover your Dresser using Wallpaper 2024, July

The building materials market is booming today. The construction of new houses, the development of interior design leads to the appearance of a large number of finishing materials and decor elements. Opening a wallpaper store can bring a steady income if its owner properly meets the needs of consumers.


You will need

  • - start-up capital;

  • - premises;

  • - staff.

Instruction manual


Carry out a marketing research. In conditions of market oversaturation, you must find your niche. Perhaps you can stand out due to a large assortment of affordable wallpapers. Or, on the contrary, offer the discerning buyer exclusive collections that were lacking in your city. Analyze the pros and cons of competitors, take into account the positive experience of others and existing errors.


Choose a location for your store. The main principles are competitive environment and cross-country ability. Such a store does not have to be in the city center. A much higher income will bring a point located in a specialized shopping center with a large number of stores of a similar orientation. Do not worry if there is a large construction hypermarket nearby. In some cases, it can even help you, attracting a large flow of buyers. The main thing is to differ favorably from it in price and the offered range.


Purchase trade equipment: at least, special racks for demonstration of samples. To open a wallpaper store you need a minimum of decor. Pay attention to good lighting and a sufficient distance between the racks so that the buyer has the opportunity to comfortably examine the goods.


Find wallpaper suppliers. It is better to choose several wholesalers or manufacturers to form the most complete and interesting assortment portfolio. Rely on the results of your marketing research. For example, if you are targeting the general public, offer a large selection of budget brands from different manufacturers. If the area allows, you can divide the assortment into several categories, starting from the price factor. You can offer exclusive and expensive types of wallpaper according to catalogs, purchasing them from a supplier only after a specific order.


Enter the assortment of related products necessary for wallpapering: brushes, rollers, glue, ceiling plinth. In addition, it is very advisable to devote part of the area for wallpaper for painting and the spectrum of paint for them.

what to call a wallpaper store
