
How to open a household chemistry store

How to open a household chemistry store

Video: Chemistry Lab Tour! +Tips For Starting a Home Lab 2024, July

Video: Chemistry Lab Tour! +Tips For Starting a Home Lab 2024, July

The modern buyer is accustomed to the convenience of shopping in supermarkets located near the house. However, they cannot offer such a wide range of choices for products of the same category as a specialized outlet. If you are thinking about creating your own small business in the field of sales of consumer goods, then it is worth considering the option of opening a household chemistry store.


Instruction manual


The choice of place is a fundamental point. There should not be hypermarkets or points of sale like yours nearby. Important high traffic location of the store, the presence of residential buildings. Desired retail space of the premises - from 50 sq.m. Consider also the possibility of placing a warehouse.


Define the format of trade: self-service, sale through the counter or a mixed system. The number of personnel depends on this: sales consultants, merchandisers (merchandisers, whose duties include arranging goods on shelves, taking into account the peculiarities of the customer’s perception and the store’s trading strategy), warehouse and administrative workers.


Take care of the equipment of the store. You will need shelves for goods, display cases, counters, cash registers, shopping baskets, storage rooms for shopping bags. The quantity and nature of the equipment will be determined based on the size of the store, the format and the planned volume of trade.


Solve the issue of pricing policy. This will affect the composition of the assortment of goods and the choice of suppliers (manufacturers of products). It is desirable that the store presented products designed for different social levels of customers.


At the initial stage of development, a special role is played by measures to attract customers who can potentially acquire permanent status. One of the effective measures is to distribute discount coupons for purchases in your household chemistry store.

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