
How to open a comfortable hotel

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How to open a comfortable hotel

Video: Learn English for Hotel and Tourism: "Checking into a hotel" | English course by LinguaTV 2024, June

Video: Learn English for Hotel and Tourism: "Checking into a hotel" | English course by LinguaTV 2024, June

To open your own comfortable hotel is a business that requires a lot of effort, time and money. It is impossible to do this quickly and cheaply. Such a business is suitable for those who are ready to wait for a stable income for several years.


Hotel format selection

Recent studies of the hotel services market show that 60% of guests prefer large hotels, and 40% prefer mini-hotels or hotels of a home type. If you are going to take the first steps in this business, then start with a small comfortable hotel with 10-30 comfortable rooms. The advantages of your hotel in this case will be reasonable prices and a homely atmosphere, which is appreciated by a large number of travelers and business travelers.

If you have a more impressive initial amount, then you can open an elite mini-hotel with luxurious decoration, great design and personalized customer service.

Material base

The cost of opening a hotel business directly depends on the choice of premises. The cheapest option is to rent or buy out several apartments, a communal apartment or the whole staircase in a beautiful house in a quiet, beautiful area of ​​the city. The proximity of public transport, shops, restaurants, etc. is of great importance. In order to officially register a purchased apartment, it must be transferred to a non-residential fund.

The second cost item is redevelopment, reconstruction and repair of premises. This is necessary to ensure that your hotel meets the requirements of fire protection and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Equally important is the interior of the establishment. Even if your dream is a modest home-style hotel, then you should not save on finishing materials. High-quality work done at the first stage of work will reduce the cost of further cosmetic repairs. In addition, you will need furniture, home decoration, household appliances, telephones, a reception area, etc.

Legal base

The hotel business does not need licensing, but it always takes a lot of time to get various approvals and decisions. It is necessary to pass a check for compliance with GOSTs and standards in the water utility, fire supervision, Energonadzor, the city administration and many other authorities. To confirm the "star" you can voluntarily pass the certification of Rostourism.

Material base

Before you open the hotel carefully calculate the required starting investment. This type of activity refers to the type of business with a high threshold of entry - from several hundred thousand to millions of dollars. Keep in mind that the payback period of the mini-hotel will be from 5 to 8 years.
