
How to open a kindergarten in Ukraine

How to open a kindergarten in Ukraine

Video: Children Song for Opening of School in Ukraine 2024, July

Video: Children Song for Opening of School in Ukraine 2024, July

The demand for private kindergartens in Ukraine is becoming more and more. This is due to the fact that parents want their children not only to be supervised, but also to receive the necessary knowledge in accordance with their age.


Instruction manual


Find a place where you can arrange a kindergarten. It is important that there are no competitors or state preschool organizations that can also provide additional educational services. The room must comply with state requirements for child care facilities. Each child should have at least 5 m2, the floor should be insulated, and the walls should be moisture resistant. It is desirable that the windows face the south and east side. You may need to make repairs in the room.


Get a license entitling you to carry out educational activities. This can be done by submitting documents for consideration to the regional expert council on licensing and certification of educational institutions. Prepare the following documents: copies of constituent documents; training programs, requirements for graduates; information on material, technical, personnel, educational and methodological support; premises lease agreement; conclusion of SES; documents that confirm the level of education and qualifications of the head of the kindergarten.


Buy all the necessary furniture: children's tables, chairs, wardrobes for things. You should also have bedding, a refrigerator, a washing machine, a telephone. Equip a medical office and purchase teaching materials.


Plan an advertising company. Scatter leaflets about the near opening of your institution on the mailboxes of the nearest houses, post ads near playgrounds and children's clinics. But the best advertisement over time for you will be the personal recommendations of the parents, whose children will visit your garden.


Carefully recruit staff. Only highly qualified teachers should work for you, for whom it is important to give your knowledge and attention to children, and not just make money. The selection of employees will take a lot of time, taking into account the probationary period and the possible "turnover" at the first stage. But in the long run you will find reliable people.

Your small business: how to open a kindergarten
