
How to open a dumpling molding workshop

How to open a dumpling molding workshop

Video: Easy Wonder Clip Bowl Tutorial 2024, July

Video: Easy Wonder Clip Bowl Tutorial 2024, July

Dumplings are a favorite food for both children and adults. This point alone suggests that this product will always be in demand, and its production will bring profit.


Instruction manual


The first step is to draw up a business plan for the production of ravioli. It should determine the scale of the products. Further, starting from this figure is based on the calculation of the necessary equipment, the area of ​​the production premises, the number of personnel, the required raw materials.


The room should not be large so that you do not have to overpay for rent. It should be based on the scale of production. 50 square meters is enough to accommodate equipment, to organize manual production and for the free movement of personnel. An important aspect is communication equipment. The presence of light, water supply, sewage, ventilation is mandatory, otherwise the first inspection of the SES will have to make excuses, pay heavy fines or completely lose your business. It is better to make the walls and floor light color, cover them with easily washable material.


It is necessary to choose the type of production: machine or manual. In the first case, the cost is reduced, the volume of finished products is increasing, but you will have to significantly spend on the purchase of the very equipment. And it costs from 300 thousand rubles to several million. Hand sculpting has always been appreciated more. After all, the product is not molded by a soulless machine, but by the warm hands of a person. But here the cost of dumplings will already increase significantly, but the volume of production will not reach high rates.


The minimum set of equipment for the production of dumplings modeling includes: meat grinder, dough mixer, freezer, dumpling machine, flour mill, packing and sorting unit, dough mixer. The selection of personnel should be approached carefully. Each employee must have a health record book with fresh stamps. It is best to hire middle-aged women who like to cook dumplings. For processing meat and tracking equipment, you can hire a strong-built man.


Demand for products will be determined by its price and quality. You should develop your recipe for dumplings so that they can compete with a similar product. The introduction of something new will contribute to the expansion of consumer composition. It is necessary to think over the form of dumplings, the percentage of meat and dough in them. For dumplings, the following ingredients are needed: flour, salt, eggs, water, onions, meat, spices.


In order to save some kind of work, you can do it yourself or bring your family into production

Useful advice

If you wish, you can expand your activity and, together with dumplings, also make dumplings. But there are many fillings: mushrooms, berries, cottage cheese, potatoes, cabbage.
