
How to open a business in Thailand

How to open a business in Thailand

Video: Starting a Business in Thailand as a Foreigner 2024, July

Video: Starting a Business in Thailand as a Foreigner 2024, July

Thailand is gradually becoming not only a popular tourist destination, but also a platform for business investment. Indeed, a Russian who wants to live and work in this country can organize his own business on its territory.


Instruction manual


Choose the appropriate field of activity for starting your own business. Many areas of production and services in Thailand are closed to firms owned by foreigners. For example, your company will not be able to engage in publishing related to media. Many areas of agriculture are also banned, the possibility of the participation of foreign enterprises in the production of objects of traditional art and crafts, in the export and sale of antiques and cultural property is limited. But in some cases, the problem can be solved by attracting business partners from among Thai citizens. Each dubious situation will need to be discussed with regulatory authorities before starting a business. You can safely invest in the tourism or restaurant business, open hotels, cafes and restaurants - there are no strict restrictions on foreigners.


Decide which form of organization is best for your business. There are only two main forms. A partnership is easier to open, but a private company can pay taxes at a lower rate at a certain level of financial turnover. The situation for your particular case will help clarify the lawyer. Best of all, if it is a specialist working in Thailand and well acquainted with its realities.


Get a business visa to enter Thailand. To do this, you should already have a business project ready and get consent from future Thai partners, if any. A document is drawn up at the country's embassy in Moscow.


Arriving in Thailand, contact the Commerce Service. There you will be provided with a list of documents required for registering a business. It may differ depending on the specifics of your future business. Issues related to the purchase of land, if necessary for your business, are resolved in the Land Department.


Pay the cost of registering a business. In most cases, it is 0.5% of the declared authorized capital.

Embassy of Thailand in Moscow
