
How to organize your holiday home

How to organize your holiday home

Video: How to Organize Your Home's Clutter Hotspots - Holiday Home Week 5 2024, July

Video: How to Organize Your Home's Clutter Hotspots - Holiday Home Week 5 2024, July

Vacation homes are not only a place where you can spend a vacation, but also a great way to improve your health. That is why a fairly popular industry of tourism services are private holiday homes, motels and hostels. Organizing such a business will require some effort, but the expected profit is worth it.


You will need

  • - contract of sale or lease of a building;

  • - building permit;

  • - license;

  • - staff;

  • - a program for relaxation.

Instruction manual


Determine whether you will build a holiday home "from scratch" or buy a ready-made infrastructure facility. Remember that location does not always play a decisive role in Russian pricing policy. Therefore, for example, in the suburbs some of the existing resorts can be more expensive than similar ones near Sochi, or cheaper than near St. Petersburg.


Choose the most suitable place to relax. According to experts of recreational geography, it should be located at the junction of three types of landscapes - flat, water and dissected (hilly, mountainous). It turns out that the ideal location is the foothills on the banks of the river. Vacationers will be able to swim and walk on the plain, and enjoy the mountains.


Buy a plot of land if you plan to build a holiday home "from scratch". The owner of the site must provide you with title documents and a certificate of ownership of it, as well as a cadastral passport. If all the papers are in order, issue a contract of sale and transfer the deposit to the owner. The agreement must contain the details of the parties and basic information about the site (location, land category, cadastral number, area, type of use and declared value).


Conclude a lease with the owner if you want to occupy an already equipped building. Register the acceptance certificate or the sale and purchase transaction with the tax authorities and the Federal Registration Service. Papers and an agreement on land, as well as identification documents (yours and the previous owner of the land), transfer to the Unified Information Settlement Center (EIRC) or the Office of the Federal Registration Service (UFRS). Within a month, land ownership will be officially transferred to you.


Get a building permit if you need one. Issue it to local governments and municipalities. You need to submit documents such as a statement, a copy of the certificate of land ownership, a cadastral plan of the plot and a project of the house and neighboring buildings in duplicate with a scheme for connecting to utility networks. The permit must be signed by the chief architect of the district (city) and approved by the head of the district, city or other municipality.


Register an enterprise. Present to the licensing authority at the place of residence the necessary constituent documents, which include a diploma, certificate of primary specialization, certificates of conformity. You will also need a copy of the work book and a certificate of work experience in the medical field. This is a must if you plan to carry out medical procedures. Preparation of a license usually does not take more than 30 business days.


Equip the premises of the boarding house in accordance with sanitary norms and rules of SanPiN Pay particular attention to the food block. It must comply with the requirements for sanitary maintenance and cooking, which are indicated in the current sanitary rules for public catering establishments.


Hire staff. Depending on the type of institution, you may need both engineering and medical personnel. In the sanatorium business, the services of an endocrinologist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist, gynecologist and even a surgeon are highly valued. All employees must have higher or secondary special education that meets the requirements and types of services provided, and work experience of at least 5 years.


Calculate the number of days in each race for vacationers and draw up a program for the duration of their stay. Post it on your institution’s website on the Internet. The program should have a specific goal, especially when opening a sanatorium. Clients must be provided with appropriate medical examination and treatment. If vacationers are satisfied with the service provided, they will quickly disseminate information about your institution.
