
How to organize a cafe

How to organize a cafe

Video: Planning a New Cafe - Cafe Design & Workflow Advice 2024, June

Video: Planning a New Cafe - Cafe Design & Workflow Advice 2024, June

In order to correctly organize the work of a cafe, it is necessary to draw up a staffing table and a shift schedule, as well as establish managerial records. If no serious mistakes were made during the design and opening of the catering facility, these simple measures are sufficient for operational work. Next up is the good cuisine, impeccable service and effective promotion, thanks to which guests will learn about the institution and then visit it again and again.


You will need

  • - The room;

  • - business plan;

  • - equipment;

  • - furniture;

  • - permits;

  • - food, drinks;

  • - staff.

Instruction manual


Create a business plan in which reflect the production, financial and marketing parts. If you intend to open a cafe on borrowed funds - be sure to attach an investment plan with the expected date of entry into the break-even zone, as well as a loan repayment schedule.


Find a room. It should be located on a busy pedestrian street, as an option - at the intersection of highways near the metro station or ground transport. Also the competitive advantage will be the proximity of business centers, large stores, educational institutions. It’s good if earlier a catering facility was located in the room, otherwise it is necessary to obtain prior permission from the authorities regarding the possibility of catering.


Design a design project. The interior design of the cafe should be combined with the name and play to reveal it. For example, if the institution is called "Daddy's Farm", rural household items are appropriate in the interior, and if the "Ninth Val" is all kinds of symbols of the marine theme. Along with the name, you should consider the features of the service, recruiting and marketing policies.


Make repairs, purchase and arrange equipment, get permission from the controlling authorities - the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and Fire Inspection. In parallel, engage in the preparation of staffing and staffing. You will need two key figures before others - the manager and the chef. The first at the initial stage of the organization of the cafe can be entrusted with operational work - communication with authorities, search for suppliers, hiring, etc., the second - the development of the menu. It should not be large, 5-6 dishes in each section will be quite enough.


Start an advertising campaign about 2 weeks before opening. Provide for stocks designed for both spontaneous and planned visits. Create newsletters, write press releases and send them on paper and electronic media. Do not make informational reasons trivial and stereotyped: the brighter the expected event, the sooner the publications will bring information about your cafe to a potential audience.
