
How to organize a grocery store

How to organize a grocery store

Video: How the Layouts of Grocery Stores are Secretly Designed to Make You Spend More Money 2024, July

Video: How the Layouts of Grocery Stores are Secretly Designed to Make You Spend More Money 2024, July

Despite the abundance of retail chains, in many areas there is a shortage of small grocery stores. Therefore, the organization of such a store in some cases can solve the problems of residents and bring sufficient profit to the entrepreneur.


You will need

contacts with suppliers, premises, sellers, registration, advertising

Instruction manual


Register a limited liability company - LLC. This can be done independently or with the assistance of a company for registration of legal entities. Specialists will help to develop constituent documents and submit their kit to the tax office. The fee for organizing an LLC will be 4, 000 rubles. If you intend to sell alcohol, you will need to obtain a license for this. The company can also do this for you.


Find a store space. A lot depends on the room, because no one will know about the imperceptibly located store. Take a walk around the area where the store is expected to open. Surely there are places in it where there are a lot of residential buildings, but all the shops are located quite far from them. Such a place is quite suitable for opening a new grocery store. You can also rent a room in a "lively" place - not far from bus stops on busy streets.


It is important that the store has exactly the assortment of goods that is in demand in the area. To find out what residents of neighboring houses prefer to buy, go to neighboring stores and see what range they have. Observe what is taken more often and what is less. Make a list of well-sold products. It is necessary to determine which price category products are sold more successfully than others.


Based on the list of sold products, find suppliers. Their contacts are on the Internet. It’s better to go to meetings in person - this will save you time and maybe you can get discounts.


Hire two sellers. The seller in the grocery store does not need to sell any special talents, so it is quite possible to take people without work experience. Payment for their labor in Moscow is approximately 10-15 thousand rubles. Also hire an accountant (better than coming, because you don't need him for the whole day).


Make sure your store is visible. To do this, make a bright sign with backlight in the dark. If your store is located in the courtyards, put a pointer to it on the street. You can also draw arrows on the pavement.

how to organize the work of the store
