
How to organize a children's development center

How to organize a children's development center

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Children's center - with a skillful approach, a fairly promising business. Which, moreover, is quite simple from an organizational point of view. It can be created without even having much experience in entrepreneurship. However - about everything in order.


Instruction manual


According to experts, the segment of children's entertainment centers is currently one of the most profitable sectors of the entertainment industry. Interest in him is growing both on the part of state organizations and on the part of private structures. A distinctive feature of the current stage of development of the market for children's entertainment in Russia is its penetration into the regions.


The business process of organizing a children's development center can be divided into 4 large stages. Explore the market. Identify your future competitors. Analyze their work. Find out how they attract customers. Thus, you will represent the demand for the services of the children's center, and you will also be able to think over the possibilities of the future advertising campaign.


Find a suitable room. When choosing, pay attention to such factors as: number of storeys, the presence of nearby transport routes and pedestrian flows, remoteness from the main streets, the presence of communications connected to the premises, repair, area, the presence of internal premises that will be used for classes with children, etc.


Search and recruit staff. It is advisable that people with teacher education work with you. The most sought-after specialists for children's centers are psychologists, language teachers, etc.


The main target audience of developing centers is families with children living in neighboring neighborhoods. Distribute advertisements in the area a few weeks before work begins. List the full list of services that you can provide at the center. In detail and kindly consult by phone.


Choosing the form of taxation of the work of the children's center, you are likely to focus on the simplified tax system at a rate of 6% of income. To receive payment you will need a cash register. Do not forget to include the costs of its purchase and registration in the initial cost plan.
