
How to determine what the organization is doing

How to determine what the organization is doing

Video: Imports, Exports, and Exchange Rates: Crash Course Economics #15 2024, July

Video: Imports, Exports, and Exchange Rates: Crash Course Economics #15 2024, July

Sometimes situations arise when you need to find out what the organization is doing to determine whether it is suitable for cooperation or so that a person can solve his specific problem. There are several ways to do this.


Instruction manual


In the event that you know the phone number of the organization you are interested in, you can call him and directly ask about the direction of its activities. To find out the phone number, enter the appropriate request in a search engine on the Internet or call the help desk of your city.


If the organization has its own website on the network, view the list of products or services that it offers. Based on the information received, you can also get an idea of ​​what the company is doing. If the company is in the directory (for example, in the "Yellow Pages"), read the name of the heading in which it is entered.


In the case when you are going to establish commodity-money relations with a certain enterprise, you will need a number of documents to conclude contracts. Request among them the Information letter of the Goskomstat (Roskomstat), it lists the main and additional activities of the organization.


You can also request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Information about another company is provided on paid terms. Check with the territorial tax authority the size of the state fee, fill out the receipt and pay it at a branch of Sberbank of Russia.


Make a free form request for an extract from the State Register about the company you are interested in, attach a receipt with bank notes about payment to it. Take the finished statement after the deadline (usually five working days). The extract will also contain information on the economic activities of the enterprise.


And do not forget that you can always come to the organization and personally learn from employees about the scope of their enterprise. If necessary, pre-make an appointment with a specialist or manager so as not to waste time waiting in lines.
