
How to register a limited liability company

How to register a limited liability company

Video: How to Start an LLC - In three simple steps 2024, June

Video: How to Start an LLC - In three simple steps 2024, June

Registration of a limited liability company is actually the entry of the necessary information about this legal entity in the Unified State Register. The procedure for registering enterprises in the form of LLC is strictly regulated.


Instruction manual


Determine how many people will be in the founders of the organization. After that, all together decide who and who will be. Perhaps one of the founders wants to be the CEO, or maybe all the founders want to hire a manager from the outside, and at that time they themselves will "reap" the fruits of their work.


Make a memorandum of association, and then the charter of the legal entity. The founders must conclude with each other a specific agreement on the establishment of this company, which contains all the necessary information: how much is the amount of the authorized capital, the size and value of shares, the procedure for payment of the authorized capital, as well as the obligations of a limited liability company after its registration.


Hold a meeting and invite all the founders of the company to it. The results of the constituent assembly must be recorded in the minutes. In turn, this document should reflect the name and legal address of the formed company, the composition of the founders, information on the approval of the charter. It should also indicate the person who is entrusted with the registration of the LLC.


Please note that if the company has only one founder, then no meeting is necessary. In this case, everything is much simpler: the decision to create an LLC is formalized by the decision of the founder.


Deposit authorized capital. If it is paid in cash, you must open a bank account (you can save) and deposit at least half of the money.


Pay the required amount of state duty, which is charged for the registration of the LLC and is determined by the Tax Code.


Gather all the necessary documents for the registration of an LLC: - an application drawn up in accordance with the established form and signed by the person indicated by the founder in the protocol on the formation of the company; - all constituent documents; - drawn up decision on the establishment of the company; - documents confirming the introduction of the authorized capital; - receipt of payment of state duty.


Transfer all collected documents to the state registration authorities. You will need to be issued a receipt stating that documents were taken from you for consideration of the application for registration of the company.
