Business management

What to call a taxi

What to call a taxi

Video: Taking a taxi - Learn English 2024, July

Video: Taking a taxi - Learn English 2024, July

Taxi companies are becoming more and more. How to draw attention to yours? One of the win-win options is to pick her a catchy and catchy name.


Instruction manual


A good name is one of the great (and very inexpensive) ways to advertise a product or service, and taxis are no exception. Previously, very little attention was paid to the names, as a rule, the founder of the company simply wanted to name it "so that there was a name." Now all is not quite so. To name something means to give it uniqueness, to attract attention, to cause positive associations.


Let's think: what is important for a person ordering a taxi? Efficiency, punctuality (despite traffic jams), low price and comfortable car. You can argue about the price, but for most people, the low price of a taxi ride matters. The task of someone who wants to name a taxi is to try to reflect these factors, or at least one of them, in the name. Of course, do not act too bluntly - call your company "Speed" or "Cheap taxi". Nevertheless, it is with these concepts that the name should be associated.


It often happens that a person uses the services of the same taxi. A good name will help you attract as many such loyal customers as possible. Make sure the name is short, as short names are better remembered. A good option is to use humor, put positive emotions, joy in the name. For example, it is not necessary to call a taxi "Motor", although this is a good option. A great name would be "Oh, I’ll pump it!"


Before you come up with a name for your company, check with the search engines what your competitors are called. Then you will not only not “steal” someone else’s name inadvertently, but also analyze their choice. It is quite noticeable that companies with unsuccessful names rarely appear in the top ten of Yandex or Google at the request of a taxi.


Before deciding on a name, discuss it with your colleagues or loved ones. Did they like your name? Would they call a company with that name? It is important to "test" your choice on real people, preferably from your target audience.


Those who do not have enough imagination to call a taxi should turn to professional neumerals - this is the name of specialists who develop names for companies, products and services. Neimer can be found at an advertising agency or on the Internet, as many of them work remotely. The cost of freelancer services starts at 5, 000 rubles per name, an advertising agency will require more, but will be able to offer you to develop a logo in addition to the name. In any case, your name is part of the image, advertising. Therefore, a good name developed by experts will work for you in the future.

taxi name
