
What to call a second hand

What to call a second hand

Video: Secondhand Serenade Your Call 2024, July

Video: Secondhand Serenade Your Call 2024, July

The number of stores selling second-hand goods has increased significantly in recent years. Many novice entrepreneurs take on this business, considering it quite light and requiring minimal investment. However, everything is not so simple - your store should for the better be different from competitors and attract as many customers as possible. How? Including, due to the original and memorable name.


Instruction manual


The most important question that worries the owners of such stores is what to do with the second-hand phrase itself. Indeed, for many potential buyers it is associated with the time when bad-smelling junk brought to Russia from charity bazaars was sold in such stores. Today, everything is different - the product looks quite worthy, and there are a lot of completely new things with non-notorious labels in such stores. How to be Do you want to write the word "second" on the sign or not? If, in addition to used things, you plan to trade in the so-called "stock" (and most likely it will be so, because the same suppliers bring the same type of goods), write the controversial words in very small print or discard them altogether. Come up with a synonym like "Second Wind." Or beat the less clear word "stock." For example, in one of the regions there is a store called StockBrands. A sonorous name, a catchy font, company labels on clothes with the same name - everything is like in real vintage stores. The buyer is not ashamed to admit where he buys clothes.


Latin transcription is a very convenient and logical move for writing the name of your store. The clothes are really European, so there will be no contradictions. Avoid long titles. An ideal choice is two words that combine well with each other. Ask English and French-speaking friends, look through the dictionaries. It is possible that an interesting and non-banal combination of words will be found there.


Humor is not a good idea when looking for a store name. Keep in mind that some of your customers will be people who would love to dress in more pretentious places, but do not have sufficient funds for this. Do not hinder their pride. For the same reason, do not abuse words like "super cheap", "for nothing", "give free." Such catchy phrases are good for sales in ordinary stores, but they are not suitable for a second-hand audience.


But you can turn to your other audience - people who come in search of not so much cheap as original clothes that you can’t buy in ordinary shopping centers. Artists, journalists and other creative people will be delighted to drop by a small shop, in the name of which the words "vintage", "original" and the like are played.


Most second-hand stores sell women's, men's and children's clothing. But if you want to specialize in one of these categories, be sure to underline this in the title. The same applies to household goods - if you have a lot of curtains, towels, tablecloths and napkins in your assortment, this can be an interesting bait, which you need to inform the buyer about.
