
How to name IP

How to name IP

Video: How To Find The Owner Of An IP Address Or Domain Name 2024, July

Video: How To Find The Owner Of An IP Address Or Domain Name 2024, July

According to Russian law, a citizen has the right to register a company as an individual entrepreneur, without forming a legal entity. Unlike a limited liability company, an individual entrepreneur has his own requirements for the name of the company.


Instruction manual


In the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur (IP) is an individual who is legally registered to conduct entrepreneurial activity. If the LLC (limited liability company) is a legal entity, the founders of which are allowed to independently choose the name of the company, then the IP does not always have such an opportunity. The common name for an IP consists of the surname or full name of an individual in full, which is preceded by the abbreviation "IP", for example, "IP Sidorov Ivan Petrovich" or "IP Sidorov".


Please note that when, for example, retailing, an individual entrepreneur has the right to also install the sign "Parts" or "Products" on his store. This will not be considered an offense, since these words are well-known and are indicated to inform buyers about the types of goods offered here for sale. In this case, the full name may sound like "Products (IP Sidorov)."


Like LLC, IP can register a trademark in the form of a verbal designation or logo. Thanks to the registration of a trademark, an entrepreneur can individualize himself in a particular sphere of goods and services, becoming recognizable in society. A similar designation IP can be freely used in business. At the same time, it will be necessary to indicate the details of the IP when concluding contracts with counterparties and in other official documents: "The Food Store" Sun "in the person of an individual entrepreneur Sidorov concluded an agreement with


Useful advice

Come up with a unique name for your own trademark. It should not overlap with the names of existing enterprises and at the same time copy them. Otherwise, the copyright holders must present reasonable claims to you.
