
How to draw your stamp

How to draw your stamp

Video: Print Making Tutorial PART 1: Design and Carve Your Stamp 2024, July

Video: Print Making Tutorial PART 1: Design and Carve Your Stamp 2024, July

Most often, entrepreneurs and organizations use the simplest form of printing, produced by the template. To do this, it is enough to contact a specialized company or place an order via the Internet (many such organizations have the online application form on their websites).


You will need

  • - name of the company or entrepreneur;

  • - BIN;

  • - information about the city where the company or individual entrepreneur is registered;

  • - designer services (optional).

Instruction manual


The seal of the enterprise or entrepreneur, intended also for financial documents, must contain the name of the individual entrepreneur or company, PSRN (this number is given in the certificate of state registration of the company or entrepreneur) and the city of location.

All this is placed in a circle along the edge of the print.

This information and a standard picture in the middle is usually quite enough for the implementation of activities.


If you want to place your logo or any other drawing in the print center, find out the requirements of the company where you will produce the print for such sketches.


Transfer these requirements to the designer who will order the development of the logo so that he can immediately prepare a print sketch.

It may not be superfluous to immediately order a designer a print sketch already with the obligatory information about your company or individual entrepreneur (name, PSRN, city of registration).


Pass the finished sketch to the manufacturers of the press and pay for their services, and take the finished product on time. In some cases, payment can be made upon receipt of the order.

Useful advice

Design work and a non-standard sketch significantly increase the cost of printing, so you should think about whether you really need it.
