
How to write a business plan for a beauty salon

How to write a business plan for a beauty salon

Video: Beauty Salon Business Plan Template with Example 2024, July

Video: Beauty Salon Business Plan Template with Example 2024, July

Starting a business, a novice businessman usually wants to succeed. A business plan is necessary in this situation, because it allows you to soberly assess your capabilities and compare them with estimated costs. In addition, it is often required to obtain loans and subsidies, especially if they are distributed on a competitive basis. Beauty salons are a fairly popular business, the competition is quite high, therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of a business plan very seriously.


You will need

  • - statistics on the area;

  • - assessment of market conditions;

  • - data on the cost of hairdressing and other services;

  • - data on the average level of wages in this area;

  • - the cost of rent, repair of premises and equipment.

Instruction manual


Rate the market. Find out how many beauty salons are already in the area where you intend to open your own, what services and at what prices they provide. The most successful enterprises in this field have websites or at least pages where you can find all the necessary information about their activities. Visit some salons. If you can’t go everywhere, go to the most and least popular. Pay attention not only to the list of services and prices, also look at the equipment and evaluate the ability of staff to communicate with customers.


If you are going to open a salon in a small village, evaluate the average income level of residents. Data can be taken from the statistics department of the local administration, this information is not private. It may happen that some of the services that you would like to offer will not be affordable for your potential customers. For a big city, this moment is not so important, since wealthy clients will come to a good salon even from another district. The procedures that a beauty salon provides can be image-based, medical and relaxation. Identify priorities and possible combinations.


Keep an eye on the room. In the department of municipal property management, find out who his owner is, as well as the cost of rent. If you want to make good profit, the room should be spacious enough. Please note that the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities require non-working premises, which do not give any income. An area of ​​120-180 sq. M with proper organization of work will allow you to get a solid profit, and at the same time you will not have to pay extra rent.


Determine what kind of rooms will be in your salon. Be sure to have a conveniently equipped lounge where visitors can safely wait for their turn. There you can arrange a small store of related products. You can arrange it yourself or sublet the area. In addition, the salon should have a hairdresser, manicure and pedicure rooms (they can be combined), cosmetology, massage, solarium, etc. Their size depends on the quantity and dimensions of the equipment, the popularity of a particular service and a number of other factors. Among other things, it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards, and they are quite strict for beauty salons. Ancillary facilities include the manager’s office, warehouses, sterilization rooms, staff relaxation room. They are smaller in size. Add the names and footage of the premises to the list.


Make a table of monthly income. In the first column write the names of the services, in the rest - their daily quantity, planned load, price, monthly revenue, material consumption in percent and in units of payment, profit. When pricing, focus on the fact that the price should be higher than the cost by a quarter or more.


Compose the same plate for calculating staff remuneration. Enter in it the names of specialties, payment (it can be in the form of a salary, interest on turnover or mixed), the approximate amount of payment, the number of specialists in each profile and the total amount of expenses for each item.


Calculate the total amount of operating costs at the time when the salon is already starting to work. This includes staff salaries, utility bills, advertising, procurement of supplies.


Determine the amount of costs at the organizational stage. This includes the costs of the project, repair, rental, equipment (not only purchase, but also installation), furniture, starting consumables, advertising and staff salaries for this time. It is possible that you will be able to compensate part of the costs from the rent. This issue is the responsibility of local authorities, it must be clarified in the department of municipal property management. There you can find out the conditions for the transfer of municipal premises into ownership.


Count all expenses. In addition to the already mentioned articles, it also includes taxes and the salary of support personnel, if you did not include it in the general plate. Indicate the payback period of the cabin. Typically, in order to receive subsidies that are allocated to support small and medium-sized businesses from regional or local budgets, it is necessary to draw up a common table, in one column of which are written the expenditure items, such as salaries of the main and auxiliary personnel, taxes. rent, materials, economic expenses, advertising. Calculate the total cost and payback period of your beauty salon.


When finalizing the business plan of the beauty salon, indicate the goals and objectives of your business. Define the billing period (for which you made all the calculations). Your company can open in stages, this should also be indicated in the business plan. Enter in this part of the document expenses and income for each period. There should be data for the entire period of organization of the enterprise.

Useful advice

To participate in the competitive procedure for obtaining a budget subsidy, a detailed business plan is not always necessary. In a document that is submitted to the Small and Medium Business Development Fund or to the department of the economy of the municipality, it is necessary to indicate the goals and objectives of the enterprise, data on the premises, the cost of its reconstruction, rent and utilities, the total amount of expenses at the starting stage, the number of staff and expenses for salary. An organization that provides such subsidies usually has a sample document.

Regulatory documents of a beauty salon
