
How to start a business without investments

How to start a business without investments

Video: How To Start Investing With $0 (My 7 Steps) 2024, July

Video: How To Start Investing With $0 (My 7 Steps) 2024, July

Any business requires investments, but these investments are not always money investments. For some business ideas, only your skills and abilities may be enough - at least at first. And what you already have. What kind of ideas can these be?


Instruction manual


Each of us has abilities, skills and hobbies. If desired, they can be turned into a small business and start earning. Without any investments, you can do tutoring, translating (both personally and as the owner of a virtual translation agency), creating websites and web design, sewing to order, making bouquets, consulting in any field … And this is only part of the ideas.


Students of pedagogical universities, as well as faculties of foreign languages, often from the initial courses are engaged in tutoring. If studying at a university no longer burdens you, it's time to turn tutoring into your own successful business. You can search for students through websites for tutors ( www.repetitor.ru and others), friends, through your school, if you maintain relationships with teachers. An hour of classes costs from 500 rubles, tutors for foreign languages ​​usually charge more. If you have a diploma of a leading university and if you are preparing for the exam, then the price of an hour of classes with you can reach 2000-3000 rubles. A tutor can conduct about 5-6 lessons per day, both at home and at the student. Thus, you can receive at least 2500 rubles a day, having a rather flexible schedule.


There are quite a lot of translators now, since almost anyone who knows a foreign language more or less can do simple translations. This, unfortunately, leads to a large drop in prices for translations: for 1 page of 1800 characters of the text (usually this is how the volume of the translation is measured), translators can pay from 70 to 1000 rubles. The one who succeeds in translation is one who, firstly, has a decent translation education, and secondly, due experience and good customers. Therefore, if you seriously want to do translations and get high income from this, you need to acquire the proper experience (preferably with specialization) and find regular good customers. Given that the average translator translates about 10 pages of text per day, it can be assumed that your income will be up to 10, 000 rubles per day.


If you have many familiar translators and companies who need translations from time to time, you can organize a virtual translation agency. All you need for this is a website to which your customers will upload work. You, accordingly, will contact the translators and distribute the work among them. Your income will depend on the number of orders your bureau receives.


To start a web designer or website developer, you only need a laptop and the necessary software. He can take orders on the Internet or going to the client's office. As a rule, there should be no difficulties with customers, since literally on every job search site for freelancers the services of web designers and site developers are required. The income will, as in the previous case, depend only on the number of orders.


With all the variety of clothes in stores, there are people who use the services of the studio. In the studio very often sew evening, masquerade, wedding dresses. If you know how to sew and like to sew well, tailoring to order may become your business, and all that is needed for such a business is a sewing machine. Materials will be purchased by the customer.
