
How to start your clothing business

How to start your clothing business

Video: How To Start A Clothing Line With $0 Dollars | Legit Step by Step Tutorial 2024, July

Video: How To Start A Clothing Line With $0 Dollars | Legit Step by Step Tutorial 2024, July

The easiest way to start your own business in the field of clothing retail is to open a franchising outlet. Using the experience of your colleagues who have already achieved success, you will be able to better learn all the nuances of this market and prepare to open a business that is completely independent now.


You will need

  • - agreement with one of the retail companies selling clothes on cooperation in the form of franchising;

  • - a room for equipment in it a retail point of sale of clothing;

  • sales staff and accountant in the staff.

Instruction manual


Choose the brand that you want to use for your clothing store - there are a lot of potential franchisers in the fashion industry, so you need to choose the most suitable option. It is not only a matter of taste preferences, but also in the conditions under which manufacturers or suppliers of clothing offer a franchise. The difference in the first place is the price that you will have to pay for the right to use one or another brand - some franchisors may ask for more than you can invest in opening a store, others are interested in “promotion” and set a minimum price.


Send an application to the company that interests you with an offer to buy her the right to use her trademark in her activities. Find out again in all the details the conditions of cooperation and conclude an agreement. Your further steps aimed at organizing a point of sale of clothes will be determined by how much the franchisor company considers it necessary to regulate your activities.


Look for the room where your store will be located, following the instructions of the franchisor or having agreed with him previously the location of the future store. Most likely, the full set of commercial equipment, as well as all the necessary elements of designing a point of sale for your use, will be provided by the franchisor. If you rent an area in a shopping center, then the number of organizational issues will generally decrease significantly - it will be enough just to agree with the administration of this center, having nothing to do with the inspection bodies.


Find sales consultants who will serve customers at your point of sale. In any case, the selection of personnel will remain on your conscience, a senior partner can only help you with his training (in some chain stores there is a system of specialized trainings). Most likely you yourself will act as the store administrator (otherwise it is difficult to get the necessary experience), but it is better to hire an accountant from among professionals - it will be too risky to take on the solution of his tasks.

  • How to open a clothing store
  • business selling clothes
