Business management

How to start a mushroom business

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How to start a mushroom business

Video: How to Start a Mushroom Business | Including Free Mushroom Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Mushroom Business | Including Free Mushroom Business Plan Template 2024, July

The mushroom growing business can be a source of additional or basic income. You can grow various types of mushrooms, among domestic mushroom growers the most popular are oyster mushrooms, champignons and honey mushrooms. The technology for growing mushrooms is simple and does not require special special skills, and the crop can be obtained year-round.


Features of mushroom cultivation technology

First of all, you need to prepare the room, you can grow mushrooms in the basement of a private house or in a barn. Walls in the room are recommended to be treated with a disinfectant solution.

To grow mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare a special substrate, which may include sawdust and straw. There are technological features of the preparation of the substrate for various types of mushrooms. To grow oyster mushrooms, the substrate should be finely chopped and steamed in hot water. The honey agaric substrate is pasteurized with a hot nutrient solution in which starch, jam or cornmeal is added. Ready compost is added to the mushroom substrate.

The substrate is laid in layers in plastic bags measuring 40 by 90 cm. Mycelium is laid out between the layers. Every 10-15 centimeters in the bag make a small hole.

To buy mycelium should be from a trusted supplier, since productivity depends on the quality of the mycelium.

Mushrooms should be germinated in a closed dark and humid room at a temperature of about 22 ° C. As soon as shoots of mushrooms appear in the cut holes, bags with mycelium should be transferred to a cooler room. For mushrooms to grow quickly, it is necessary that the room has a temperature of about 15 ° C, for 12 hours a day the room with mycelium should be lit.

For illumination of a room fluorescent lamps can be used.
