
How to start a taxi business

How to start a taxi business

Video: How to Start a Taxi Business | Including Free Taxi Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Taxi Business | Including Free Taxi Business Plan Template 2024, July

You can open your business in any direction, the main thing is to have a desire and starting capital. The organization of a taxi company takes a little time, brings a good profit, and also does not require large expenses.


Instruction manual


Register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur, you will be issued a certificate. Based on this document, you can start organizing your own taxi business. This type of activity does not require licensing; therefore, all calculations can be carried out using a simplified taxation system.


Agree on a rental space. You will need to place several dispatchers, at least two people. You can buy an apartment or arrange the reception of applications from customers at home. If you decide to make an office, connect a telephone line, conduct all communications and conclude agreements with the relevant services. Set tables, chairs.


Engage in staff recruitment. You will need taxi drivers, dispatchers. In addition, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the insurance company. This will give you additional guarantees against unforeseen situations. Drivers can start working both with their car and renting yours. In this case, you need to purchase several cars.


Equip machines with a special device - walkie-talkie. According to it, the driver will be able to accept applications and perform work. Be guided from the calculation of 1-2 cars for each district in the city. Execute persons invited to work in accordance with labor law.


Decide on the size of your salary. You can set a salary, most often drivers work for a certain salary and interest from each exit, but you can organize piecework. Dispatchers may receive a fixed salary, but this is up to you.


Explore the market. You need to find a niche where you can immediately begin to receive some kind of profit. It is not necessary to focus on VIP clients, you can make the transportation budget and organize something like a "people's taxi". Come up with a name, features, for example, "Drivers are only women" or "All cars are red." Get a walkie-talkie, monitor the cleanliness of cars, the neatness of drivers, the timing of the execution of orders. All applications must be recorded in a special journal of the dispatcher; communication with the driver cannot be one-way. Consider these nuances.


See where you can get customers. These are public places, entertainment complexes, public catering, etc. If the call is organized at the request of the client, make it promptly. A maximum of 20 minutes must elapse from the moment you call a taxi to the car. It depends on whether the person will contact you next time. You can immediately negotiate the cost of the trip with customers.


Advertise your business. Place announcements about opening in mass media, tell acquaintances, friends. Make business cards. Come up with an individual phone number that is easy to remember. Get logos on cars. It is advisable to organize free dial-up of potential customers. To do this, make additional telephone lines or connect the standby mode so that short beeps do not irritate callers.


Buy gasoline in bulk, this can be saved. In addition, try to have one owner for each car. So you can extend the technical condition of the car for a longer service life.
