
How to save on production

How to save on production

Video: How to Save 1% in Manufacturing 2024, July

Video: How to Save 1% in Manufacturing 2024, July

Issues of economy in production are always relevant. A large component of the price of products, in addition to the cost of raw materials, is the cost of energy spent on its production. How can one save on production so that it does not adversely affect product quality?


Instruction manual


Reduce energy costs. To do this, a number of measures must be taken. Use energy-saving light bulbs in all production and office premises. They should be purchased only from bona fide and trusted manufacturers. Otherwise, you risk not saving, but spending even more.


If you heat rooms with electric appliances such as heaters and heat guns, it will be much more economical to switch to infrared ceiling heaters. They will save you from 20 to 60% of electricity. The scope of such heaters is practically unlimited - from offices to industrial premises.


Get automatic lighting on and off systems, which include motion and sound sensors. It is most effective to install them in those rooms where light is not needed constantly - toilets, passages, vestibules.


Save with dimmers. With their help, it is possible to control the supply of electricity to lighting devices. And since during the day, the full power of the bulbs is not justified, it is possible to save about 40% of electricity.


Install frequency converters in ventilation, air conditioning and pumping equipment. They will regulate the power and engine speed, which helps to save up to 55% of the electricity needed for the operation of these units.


To save coolant, conduct insulation work on buildings or premises. Install thermal curtains where large heat losses occur - at the doors and gates of industrial premises. Put plastic windows in office premises.


Install multi-tariff meters. They are not energy-saving equipment, but they help save energy and heat carrier costs.


Save on the technical equipment of production. Extend the life of existing equipment. To do this, constantly monitor the technical condition of the devices, fix minor problems on time and make routine repairs. It is much cheaper than major repairs or complete replacement of equipment.
