
The art of presentation. Your voice

The art of presentation. Your voice

Video: How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk | Will Stephen | TEDxNewYork 2024, June

Video: How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk | Will Stephen | TEDxNewYork 2024, June

The presentation consists not only of the ability to correctly compose slides, but also of the art of speech. The more pleasant the speech will sound, the more favorable impression you can create. The timbre of the male voice is very different from the female. When we speak, we use different intonations, logical stresses, the pace of speech, as well as the volume of the voice.


Instruction manual


For a presentation to be successful, first prepare a written speech. Highlight all the important and secondary parts, divide the text into several subtopics to understand where to pause and emphasize.


If the presentation contains foreign words or words that are borrowed for the Russian language, check the correctness of the stress in them using the orthoepic and other dictionaries. Also be careful with professional vocabulary.


Record your speech on the recorder and listen to how it sounds. The way we hear our voice when we speak is different from what others hear. If your voice is very high, you will subconsciously be perceived by the audience as a child. Try adjusting the pitch so that it sounds most pleasant. For male voices, it is better to lower the tone.


Think in which room you will be performing. Will it be a room with a microphone or a small room? In any case, you need to decide which volume is acceptable. After all, everyone should hear you. Practice, if possible, at the venue. Ask someone to stand at the end of a room or hall and determine if you can hear well. To make the rehearsal as close as possible to reality, you can turn on any recording that will simulate background noise. Try adjusting the volume of your voice.


Determine how fast your speech sounds. Even if the presentation time is limited, you should sound confident and at a pace, but not too much. Very fast speech is perceived as vanity or inexperience and complicates the overall perception. If the presentation will take place in a foreign language, and you are not very confident in the pronunciation, speech can be accelerated. Control yourself, try to calm down and slow down.


Calculate your performance time. Too long can bore the audience, too short can be misleading.

Useful advice

Never read from a slide, but you can peek. Spectators can read without you, your task is to reveal the theses presented on the screen. Also should not be read from the sheet. You lose your audience when you break eye contact, speech speeds up, which makes it difficult to understand.

Try not to be monotonous - this disperses the attention of the audience.
