
The main mistakes of beginning entrepreneurs

The main mistakes of beginning entrepreneurs

Video: Top 10 Startup Mistakes of New Entrepreneurs 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Startup Mistakes of New Entrepreneurs 2024, July

Most entrepreneurs make the same mistakes, leading to the collapse of their business. According to statistics, 90% of enterprises are closed, not having worked even a year. We present you the 8 main mistakes of beginning entrepreneurs.


Instruction manual


Lack of customer care. Stand in the place of the buyer and think about what problems he may face? A customer who is upset by the inconvenient delivery time or the lack of a package for the product will not want to contact you anymore.

Give the client something that he does not expect from you, and he will gladly make a second order, or maybe recommend you to friends.



Lack of advertising. A serious mistake of entrepreneurs is that they believe that the success of a business depends on the product. It doesn’t matter what you sell, socks or any popular new product. No ads - no customers.

If you do not have money for advertising, post information about your company in social networks, tell your friends and relatives about it. Recently, large message boards, such as AVITO, have been very popular, post information about your products there. And, of course, create a website so that you can be found on the Internet.



Negative attitude to new ideas. Remember, only those who survive in our world can adapt to the ever-changing living conditions.

Do not be afraid to apply new ideas, because the future of your business depends on them. For example, it is not necessary to buy a telephone exchange (telephone exchange) for your small office, it is better to rent a virtual telephone exchange - it is more convenient, reliable and cheaper.

Do you have 10 employees who need MS Office? Rent it (MS Office 365), the problem will be solved for only 500 rubles per month.

Changing thinking is the most difficult, but also the most important stage that you need to go through to make your business successful. Books of famous people such as Robert Kiyosaki, Mile Dell, Donald Trump, etc., can help you with this.



Savings on specialists. Some tasks (bookkeeping, buying a ready-made business, etc.) are very difficult to solve without the help of a specialist. Yes, you will have to spend more money, but the result will be not only a solution to the problem, but also gaining valuable experience in an unknown field of activity.

An important mistake of individual entrepreneurs is the desire to understand accounting issues without the help of a professional. You must understand that a competent accountant will not only teach you how to pay taxes correctly, but also help you reduce them.

If you have money problems, use online bookkeeping, for example, Elba or My business. For only 1000 rubles per month you will receive a full-fledged accountant who will not only answer any questions, but also help you fill out all the documents correctly during a remote connection to a computer.



Lack of automation. A company is a place where for every business there is a worker. The courier delivers the goods, the manager takes the calls, the lawyer decides the legal issues. Alone, trying to do everything on their own, immerse themselves in routine work and ruin not only business, but also their health.

Can't hire employees? Take advantage of outsourcing companies. In addition to delivery, many courier services offer the services of a virtual manager, warehouse storage, online store management, etc.



Quick profit taking. Most of the revenue (from 50%) should go into the company's turnover in order to ensure its full growth.

When you have the extra 3-4 thousand rubles in your hands, you immediately want to spend it. Protect yourself from this using one tricky trick - buy a wallet or envelope and put in it money intended for business. It will be emotionally difficult for you to take money from this wallet, knowing that it does not belong to you, but to your business.



Registration too fast. Do not rush to register as an individual entrepreneur until you are sure that the business brings a steady income. Otherwise, premiums will be an unpleasant addition to your losses.



Lack of perseverance. This is the main mistake of beginning entrepreneurs. Most companies are closed only because their owners too quickly abandoned the fight.

Remember, business is an ongoing struggle. And not only with problems, but also with oneself. Be steadfast in your aspirations and success will inevitably overtake you.


business mistakes
